help with clock wich stops at power off!
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Thread: help with clock wich stops at power off!

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 1998
    Thornton Heath, Surrey, London, England

    help with clock wich stops at power off!

    Can anyone help me?

    When ever I shutdown my computer the bios clock stops. This affects both windows and dos.

    I can't think why this would be happening because the bios does not loose its other settings.

    The problem doesn't occur when I restart so I assume it is something to do with the bios battery. However I'm not convinced because the bios doesn't loose its other settings!

    Any ideas would be much apreciated
    Nathan Winters.

  2. #2
    Steve Zap
    Depending on the BIOS it sometimes can save the other settings without constant power. Also, several BIOSs auto-detect most everything else, so may be setting them automatically. To test your theory, set a password on the BIOS and shut the machine off. When the machine comes back up it should no longer have a password on it (If the battery is dead). If it still has a password then you may have a faulty BIOS in which case the mobo would need replacement. You may also want to check for settings where your machine is trying to synchronise it's clock to a server. If it has this set and has no server, it may just reset. If none of the above applies, and you are on a network, maybe you should have your machine sync to the server's time to bypass this problem.

    -Steve Zap


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