I know this is probably not the place to vent my frustrations over the Intel versus AMD situation. And I'm sure that everyone has already It doesn't matter if you are a diehard pentium or athlon fan, this whole mess with legal actions generated from Intel towards VIA, FIC Motherboards, etc. in an attempt to stop or at least slow down production of athlon based mobo is total BS. Whats even more sickining is the number of respected mobo manufacturer's which are cowering to Intel's backdoor threats and tactics. Does INTEL feel that Threaten ? What happen to the Free Enterprise System ? As a tech, consumer and user, voice your disapproval and support by taking a moment to read and sign the petition at the following URL:
Also, visit the growing number of hardware sites which support the petition directed towards makers of motherboards in Taiwan in an effort to show their whole-hearted support for AMD's Athlon K7 microprocessor.