OK, I did something stupid. I DLed and ran a file that installed a trojan (I'm pretty sure).

I run Win 2000 on this machine.

A file named wincfg.exe tries to send to on port 6667 - over and over and over and over and.... About every 15 seconds.

I have run AVG - found nothing. Ran Trojan Cleaner - found nothing - it did find a trojan in the original file (I'll post it's name tonight when I get home - like sdon or something) and I deleted it.

My firewall is blocking the trojan from communicating right now and I can not ping, scan or tracert to There is a servername but I can't remember it right now - again, will post later (something.something.wu).

I have looked it up and several trojans send over the 6667 port but none seems to use wincfg.exe. The trojan that uses wincfg.exe is "Matrix" but it uses port 1269.

My question - have I discovered a new trojan and should delete wincfg.exe and any associated registry entriies or is wincfg.exe a legitimate program?