I had went to the regedt32 to change the security settings on the hk_localmachine/software/microsoft/sharetools so that they could use the pictureviewer to open up a couple of jpegs that were not opening for them. As per a MS knowlage base article...at home dont have link.

Before doing so I made sure to make a back up, like the good little IT guy I am.

On reboot while trying to log in to the users account it will go...hear the windows sound. But no desktop. Nothing no icons, no start bar...etc..

Crtl-Alt-Del will bring up the task manager which allows you to log out or shutdown though.

So im like...okay..strange. Log back in as administrator and desktop comes back. I change the settings back. But it still does it. I take my backup and restore the registry. And it still does it.

Here is the kicker, Ive narrowed it down to whenever you log in either locally or on the domain and use a user account it will not come to desktop. But log in as anything with administrative access, either locally or on the domain and it works fine.

Im stumped. As I onyl changed one freaking thing and even restoring the backup didnt fix it.
