I'm still working on my cousin's computer which was running really slow when she gave it to me. She seems to have a lot of spyware loaded on it. She also has Kazaa, so I am assuming this is how all this junk got installed on it. Does anyone have a good guess as to what extra junk Kazaa installs? Is the only difference between Kazaa and Kazaa Lite that the Lite version has all the spyware removed?

I have installed Ad-aware on her computer. It found 359 files/registry entries it needed to delete. On blind faith, I deleted all of them. I was sure I would have a mess of errors after I reboot the computer, but I only had one (and it was very easily fixed). For this reason, I am really happy with Ad-aware. My only complaint is that it deleted all this stuff without giving me any further information on what it was doing. I expected there to be a database like virus software, where I could go and get more information on the spyware it was removing. Is anyone aware of an alternate to Ad-aware that links to a database that gives me more detail on what it is deleting?

Thanks in advance.