
I recently purchased an LG 4160B dvd burner. It is loaded with the latest firmware release AO32.

My issue is with it detecting and burning DVD-R.

Basically when I put a DVD-R into the drive then double click it it returns an incorrect function error. I'm quite perplexed by this because it does this for cd-r as well, (its one of the dvd/cd burner combos).

My LG 52x burner which is currently slaved, does not do this however. When I double click on it with a blank cd I just view an empty space, (this is what I would normally anticipate).

I also am not being prompted about what to do with the blank dvd/cd. I expected it to show me the dialog option, "what do you want to do" and see a list of apps like nero, power dvd, windows exxplorer etc.. I right clicked on the drive and it is selected to do this but since its not I am puzzled.

I am running windows XP service pack 2 with all the latest updates.

Any ideas? I am able to burn to the dvd-r, just odd that the drive isn't doing what I believe to be normal.