I got my computer about 2 years ago. Ever since I have been having overheating problems.Randomly when I was playing a game it would just go black and restart. I finnally found out why it was overheating, the heat sink to the cpu was covered in a think layer of dust. I cleaned it out and that seemed to solve the problem.

Then a couple months later it started to do the same thing again. Except this time the cpu wasnt covered in dust. The screen just goes black and restarts when im playing games or when im just on the internet or somthing simple like that. I got a new fan to increase the airflow and installed motherboard manager. It says my cpu is around 36 degrees celcius yet it still restarts itslef like its overheating even when its not.

What could be causing this problem? could it be the power supply? I read somewhere that this guy was having the same problem as I am and he solved it by plugging his case fan into the motherboard rather than the power supply. And I do have a fan that is powerd by the power supply.

please help, thanks.