I got to share with you all

I am so proud .. many of you remember my stunning beautiful inside and out daughter Krystal... she's 25 now.. Yes yes yes I am old...

Well I must of rubbed off on her somehow....

for the past few years she has been working reception and gaming at a large football club to help pay her way through college... last year she graduated with a diploma in "network and telecommunication engineering"

This year she began working for a large company in my old home town as a desktop support engineer... the only female tech in the company and one of the only female techs in the region...

she's loving it and going from strength to strength... little bugger prolly knows more than me now

so yeah i had to brag.. i thought she would steer well away from computers after having them drilled into her all her life...

but she's a smart cookie ....bit like her mum eh