"Private IP address for router Why can't they just use what is already in place?"
I am not a Cisco person or a router person or even an experienced WAN person so I need to know the answer to this. It may be more off of principal than "Why not do it anyway?".
There is a small office on a small LAN. The computers on the network are assigned private IP addresses via DHCP. They are class C addresses (192.168.x.x-in this case since it is a small office it is 192.168.1.x where x has some reserved addresses such as for the server and the router). So all is assigned via DHCP including the gateway address of which is the router. The router provides NAT.
Now they are going with a company that will provide them high speed access. This company is going to put a Cisco router in. NO problem I have seen people with private IP address schemes similiar to this one and the ISP had no problem assigning the Router whatever IP address that was specified.
Well this company is coming in saying that they can only assign the router a 10.x.x.x address (Class A). They say they can't do the 192.168.x.x which would be easy because then they just replace the current router with there own and it is all seamless in theory . As I said I've seen exactly that happen before.
My question is WHY can't they just assign it the address the current one has? Yeah it is a different class but as I said this is not a WAN it is a small LAN. I was told it needed to be that way for monitoring the router. Why would a private IP address scheme on a LAN have anything to do with monitoring a router. Wouldn't they just need the routers public IP address? They are NOT permitted to enter the LAN and monitor it. So whatever is going on in the LAN is none of there business.
The person I talked to said she didn't have the exact answer but will have someone call me. So I want to be equipped. Is there a reason a private network would need the internal part (gateway address) match what the company wants (10.x.x.x) in order for them to monitor the router from the outside?
Any insight would be appreciated.

Have a great day!