There was a topic that I was reading yesterday that seemed very emotional. I posted a couple times, as did many others. However, the topic ended up closing without any real resolution, and many ideas and opinions were either misunderstood or miscommunicated. so I came up with an idea. Maybe if we all introduce ourselves to each other, (whether we know each other already or not) then we can level the playing field a tad and get to know each other a little better. Here's my introduction...

Hello everyone,... Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Sean (alias 6DöG9). I'm a 28 year old male. I'm caucasian and was born in San Diego California in October of 1972. I started becoming interested in computers around the time the Commodore 64 came out, and have had a great interest ever since. One day I was looking for some drivers for some hardware, and I came across Windrivers. I signed up immediately, but never posted on the UBB. Recently, I've been participating and posting and spend about 15% of my time posting in the tech forums, and the other 85% in the lounge. I haven't met everyone here formally or anything like that, but I'm sure many know who I am by now. I think there are many interesting personalities here, and it's fun to be here, and learn, and joke around, etc. Anyway, I would just like to say, it's nice to be here, and I look forward to staying awhile.