I was thumbing thru the articles in the recent PC World (Oct. 2001) and started reading an article about PC Deals and what to look for. I won't mention names, details or places (to protect the innocent of course....HA! ), but a group from the magazine wnt to 10 different stores to look for the best deals going. They rated customer support, store helpfulness, ease of purchase....yada yada yada. I got the biggest kick just from the first page alone when it says salesman "A" comes out to help customer (PC World dude) and starts trying to explain about the features of the computer, and totally botches up what he is talking about. It goes on and on and gets better as you read more, but it's definetly worth reading the article, both for getting good info and enjoying a good laughing moment.

Thought I would share that. Enjoy!!

Go big...or go home!

Things to do when bored at Wal-Mart:
Take up an entire aisle in toys by setting up a full scale battlefield with G.I. Joes and X-Men.