Originally posted by Radical Dreamer

Bah, I got it cranked to the top with all effects turned on and I'm still getting over 60FPS......I love my GF 4 Ti 1.7 and 768 DDR
Hehe, RD. That a Ti4600 by any chance? Also, what Mobo you using? Was just wondering cause your system is sounding like mine.

Shuttle AV40 Mobo
768MB Crucial PC2100 DDR
VisionTek Xtasy Ti4600
SB Live!
(not including the drives, ethernet, and misc.)

P.S.-I been playing the demo at 1280x with everything up all the way, 2x AA and Anistropic Filtering (40.41 Dets that are giving some flickering btw). At 1600x it starts getting a bit choppy, though haven't tried turning AA/AF off. Other than that, it's pretty kewl