I have a Diamond Monster Fusion AGP Video card on a 400 Celeron PC, running Win98SE...it has lost the ability to change the number of colors displayed, as well as screen area and refresh rate. I cannot change them from the InTools 98 bar, or from the windows display box (which gives me an error saying "The display control is unable to change the display settings. Please check your display hardware in device manager"). I have installed the drivers off of my monster fusion cd, the newest drivers off of diamond's web site, and the reference drivers from 3dfx (removing the previous drivers each time). Does anyone know what might be wrong? I can't even change the display stuff with the SVGA drivers...thanks....
by the way, I can change the screen stuff through the registry key LocalMachine/config/0001/display/setings/(Resolution, bitsperpixel). However it will not work dynamically with windows display functions.

[This message has been edited by brosnow (edited August 26, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by brosnow (edited August 26, 1999).]