Hi Guys - Here is a tricky one - have asked this question on a microsoft forum but go no help. Not that I blame them, Im still stumped!!

OK problem is installing a USB 2 PCMICA card - based on the 'cheepie' NEC chipset - I get the following error:

"Texas Instruments PCI-1410 Cardbus Controller has detected a Cardbus card in it's slot, but the firmware on this system is not configured to allow the CardBus controller to be run in CardBus mode. The operating system will currently accept onl"

Computer is a Compac N115 running XP Pro SP1 - Have searched the internet for drivers, firmware, similar issues etc - have checked HP's updates and found nought.

The device is not listed so basicly it's not even getting to the second problem - NEC's blue screen of death seen so much on this site. The only similar problem I found was a chap using a firewire card with the same problem, he re-installed XP and re-formatted.

Any idea's, suggestions etc would be appricated, - Then again I could always spash out on the latest & greatest from Dell - just kidding wife would kill me - Oh well

Thanks Phil