System info:

PC Chips Mobo
Sapphire Atlantis Radeon 9800 Pro 256Mb (AGP video card)
Windows XP Professional SP1
Intel Pentium 4 3.2Ghz (HyperThreading enabled)
Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2ZS

Well my sound was working fine before, though it did snap and pop sometimes, but it never cut out. One day I decided to try and upgrade my sound drivers - not even checking (out of laziness) to see if I already had up-to-date drivers. After installing the latest drivers, my sound crashes after playing a game for about a minute - same with movies and songs! it pops, crackles, snaps, pauses, halts, screetches, beeps, buzzes, and annoys the living $%^* outta you.
THE BEST PART: I already had the SAME driver version! I installed the SAME drivers over themselves!

Rolling back drivers did nothing...

I'm totally confused - if I installed the same drivers then how could anything have changed enough to make my sound that corrupted?
