
Recently I bought a RADEON 9800 SE and, in the beginning it was ok, but since a few weeks, perhaps months, while playing ANY game it reboots randomly. It can do it in 5 minutes or half an hour, but my computer allways reboots.

I searched in many forums and it seems like there are many people with this issue, so I hope somebody in this forum can help me, as I can play CSS for a long time until it crashes... damn on_6.gif

My system config is:

Last Catalyst installed
AMD K7XP 2400+
512 DDR 333
420W PowerSupply
RADEON 9800 SE 128

Any idea?? please, I don't know what to do... If I don't solve this problem this weekend surely I'm changing this card for another one...

BTW, if I decide to buy nvidia instead of ati for preventing possible compatibilitie problems, which card do you guys recommend me?