setup FTP server behind proxy server with isp, finally my isp told me that they had use proxy server for the internet service (i called them 10 times until they tell me the truth). and i need to setup a ftp server on my computer, so how can i get around it, their proxy server had block, here.....

These security measures include:

The blocking of the following ports to inbound traffic. This helps to secure your PC from virus and hacker activity, as well as spam.
TCP 21 (ftp)
TCP 25 (smtp)
TCP 80 (www)
TCP 110 (pop3)
TCP 6667 (ircd)
TCP/UDP 135-139 (dcom and netbios)
TCP/UDP 443 (ssl)
TCP/UDP 445 (ms-ds)
TCP/UDP 1433-1434 (ms-sql)

Limiting of ICMP traffic to prevent DoS (Denial of Service) attacks and other unnecessary network traffic. This reduces general network traffic and prevents service degradation and possible outages.

Blocking outbound traffic on port 25 (smtp), except to the outgoing TELUS e-mail server. This is to reduce the amount of spam created on our network which prevents service degradation and possible outages as well as to reduce the amount of spam you receive in your e-mail.
These security measures are designed to reduce illicit traffic, as outlined in the TELUS User Agreement and the Acceptable Use Policy.