This really sucks. 4 Months ago I bought a new computer. One day there was a bad smell and the computer stopped working... Burnt chip on the motherboard (Intel ICH5R chip). Got a new motherboard... Again, burnt chip on the motherboard.

The computer people cant help me because they dont speak english and even if they did I dont think they have good training (im in thailand). So I need your help.

Let me tell you something I think may be the problem. When the computer did work you couldnt touch it or the monitor. Maybe its because the voltage coming out of the walls in thailand is 220V compared to 110V in the US. Maybe that is what fried the chip but shouldnt the power supply take care of that? I was told to get a AC Voltage converter. I was also told that there could be a miswiring in the computer that caused the burn.

The first time it got fried i think i was just using winamp. But the second time it happened when i was plugging the camera into the front USB port.

Motherboard: Asus P4P800-E Deluxe
P4 2.8E

Any advice or speculations would be helpful. If i dont get this sorted I may have to buy a new motherbord every two months.