Hey folks, long time no see...

Anyway, I just installed a Dell TrueMobile 1450 Mini-PCI card on my friend's Dell Inspiron 8200. Two things, the mini-PCI port on the laptop has only one cable to plug into the card (so I plugged it into the main port of the card, not the aux port), and the card was detected fine in WinXP Pro Service Pack 2. I just used the included driver/utility CD when it was looking for the drivers.

The problem comes up when I try to connect to any wireless network; WinXP simply won't let me. I haven't tried really messing around with any of the options in WinXP nor have I tried swapping the cable attached to the card from the main port to the aux port.

Any possible ideas on what's up? (Also, the card is detected in the BIOS, but it says "unknown" even though it says "enabled").