Card: Nvidia GEForce FX5200
OS: Windows XP
Drivers latest

The card control panel and OS display control panel detect both screens and allow the set up of all types of views. But the screens are always clones of each other (clone view is NOT set).

The reason for this is that both screens are always identified as the same on a self identification request from the GEForce Display wizard panel.

For example two monitors are connected . One showing in configuration as

L90 + DSUB and one showing as Analogy Display

When selecting identification both screens are labelled as L90+DSUB therefore obviously it can never output different display to each screen.

Actually a print screen dump to photoshop shows that the OS thinks it is outputing to two displays. You can see this on the resultant bitmap.

has anybody else had this problem? OS Software? Hardware? Drivers? or other?