Whilst I know 98 is out of date and I'm sure someone will want to type "why are you doing this?" but I'll ask anyways.

I've got a CD that automatically loads win9x (specifically working with 98se) and only stops to ask you the CD key. What I'm trying to do is include the patches and updates from windowsupdate into the install somehow. Has anyone attempted this in the past that can give me some insight?

The specific issue I'm looking at right now is actually creating a batch file to run the various patches I've already downloaded. Doing a /? to most of the patches tells me there are four parameters:
/q quiet mode
/t specify temp folder
/c extract files only to /t folder
/c:<command> override install command defined by author

So I add /q after the patch file name in a batch file and run it. It obvious runs them all without waiting for the previous one to complete. Most of them eventually finish but I don't like the idea of that many processes running at once, especially updates. So my first question is, how do I get them to wait till it's done before returning control the batch file process?

My second question is, how do I stop all the "You must restart" screens from poping up? I tried the /norestart options I've seen on some XP patch webpages but I get an error.

Thanks in advance...