annybody have 1 of those ignorant neighbors that will not stop at annything to do somebody agrevation?
well i have one doozy
ok yesterday i came home forgot my cell phone .. x g/f was with me and neighbor was parked in my parking spot.{ inches of ice mixxed with a foot or so of snow i have snow plow on my truck }
so i hit park went to get out to see what he was doing , but didnt need to, then i see brake lights .. backup lights .. this went on for about 1 minut . finally he backs up right into my car .. paralell parks right against my car...
bad enough he hit my car but he kept it floored till he couldnt move anny more ...and was wedged against me..
then he pulled forward and hit reverse into a ice /snow pile i put there the days before.. beached it really good ..his escape ... thwarted
i bailed called the cops .. he must have just got out of the bar..
i told my x pay you 20$ to just sit there till the cops come and tell the truth..

so after 45 minuts and 2 calls to the police they arrive .. as he walked to his vehicle to get his papers i watched the cop watch his steps in the snow .. slight stagger as he has sobered up ..
yeah what beats this neighbor lady speaks up and said hey officer i watched him get out of his vehicle and he had a can of beer in his hand...
actually she didnt see it she made shure he got what was comming to him.

i cant tell you how much i wanted to learn howto do backflips . and cartwheels ...

he did get to ride in the patrol car , i dont think he was allowed to play with the siren .. straight to the hospital to get his blood alcahol test .
I will get a chunk of change for my 400$ car { i felt so guilty i did 400 $ woth of tree removal for the old owner } now after 50k miles i get more then my money back and have the paint and ll i need is a mirror and pop the dents out of it and mud the scrapes prolly about 1k in damage ..
wonders what the insurance adjuster will do when he sees the original window sticker for the car..
. 1k in damage i will settle for 803.38$ 800 for the damage 3 $ for the thank you card 38 cent s for the stamp ..
btw what procesor whould i get this time arround? my old amd 2400 mobo and cpu doa after like 3 years of abuse .. like boxxed cpu lasted slightly longer then the warrenty
oh i do have his unlisted phone number ...
possibilties are endless