Hi everyone.

I am currently running 98se on my (C) drive. I would like to try XP on this machine and I have a few questions I'd like to ask.

I know that XP can be installed on one of my other partitions, and this is my plan thus far. I understand that after installing XP on my other partition a boot.ini file is created by XP. I only want to test out how XP will work with this machine and I may want to reformat that partition to reuse it for storage. So here goes:

I have been reading that if something goes wrong with the boot.ini file I will not be able to boot either os. If I choose to delete XP and return to my current setup of just booting (as normal) 98se, is there anything I should do as a precaution if anything goes wrong?

Another inquiry I have is that if I do get XP running, are any programs I install on the XP partition going to be creating any registry entries in the (C) drive registry?

I want to move very cautiously with this as my pc runs absolutely perfect in its current configuration, so I'm just trying to get as much information as possible beforehand should anything go wrong, as I'm not very proficient with pc's.

Thanks in advance for any help.