This may be a really be a two parter but : I am just curious as to the accuracy of diagnostic software. I have Burnin and let that run which claims to do an intensive burnin test on hardware (Hardrive, RAM, Video card, CPU). If it passes the Burnin test How credible is that?

Also programs like Simmtester? How accurate do you find them? For example in this situation if you suspect maybe a memory problem and run Simmtester and the test clears would you deem Simmtester's diagnostic findings as "gospel" or do you use another software program?

What do you find to be the best (if any) diagnostic programs for components such as memory, HDD? Do you use an All-in-one software that you find accurate or do you use a certain software for a certain component? How about the accuracy of something for example like a HDD test compared to the diagnostics made by the manufacturer?
Personally I would think the manufacturer but do you know of a generic, all purpose that does just as good a job?

Thanks for any input.