Well as for shops. I useually go in looking all offcial carrying a breif case, and let thyem know exactly what I wantstraight away, and when I buy it I ask the returns Policy, if it's not in the shop the the time I go to another shop to get it, as Ordering stuff from shops is a waste of time.

As for online orders I recomend <a href="http://www.insight.com," target="_blank">www.insight.com,</a> I have used them for years, I have had no problems with any of ther hardware, and ther customerservice is excelent,if you have a problem they will solve it in one call usually without passing the buck. As they do and Essential 6 hours delevery for impotant parts, it does cost the 6 hour delivery but if you need that raid array working by the end of the day it's a must. Other delivery options such as the 3 day delevery is the best. ALso if you have a problem with there stuff they will useually replace it in less than 24 hours.