[RESOLVED] Can't see HDD
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Thread: [RESOLVED] Can't see HDD

  1. #1

    Resolved [RESOLVED] Can't see HDD

    I am working on a computer with Pentium11, 10 gig hard drive, running Win98. When I got the PC, the cpu fan was out, the user had opened SnowWhite & Seven Dwarfs so it had about 10 viruses on it, and the computer could not see the CD-Rom. I replaced the cpu fan. I put the HDD on another PC and reformated and installed Win98 along with the newest version of McAfee AntiVirus Software. I installed another CD-Rom into the original PC. Now when I put the HDD back into the original PC, it can't see it. It sees the CD-Rom just fine, but not the HDD. I have checked the jumper settings to make sure they are set to master, I have even double checked to make sure the Hdd is connected to the Primary IDE connector on the motherboard. Can someone help me, mabe there is something simple that I am forgetting to do?[IMG]Did I make a mistake when I reformated the drive? Looking back now, maybe I should not have. We all do dumb things in life! ]http://forums.windrivers.com/cgi-bin/forum/smilies/cwm3.gif[/IMG] Please Help! Thanks!

    can be reached at
    [email protected]

    [This message has been edited by conquest484 (edited February 20, 2001).]

  2. #2


    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by conquest484:
    ...the cpu fan was out ...computer could not see the CD-Rom... I put the HDD back into the original PC, it can't see it</font>
    You probably didn't *need* to format it, but that was the quickest way.

    Did you install Win98 while the HD was on the other machine?

    Here's what I'd do if I were you (back up and start from scratch).

    1) Put the HD on the primary IDE and double-check the jumper (master).
    2) Put the CDROM on the secondary IDE (master as well).
    3) Check the CMOS setup. Put all the IDE's on "Auto Detect".
    4) Boot with a Win98 Startup Disk.
    5) FDISK, remove the old partition, and make a new partition.
    6) Reboot and format the hard drive.
    7) Install Win98.

    "In a 32-bit world, you're a 2-bit loser..."

  3. #3


    OK! I will try it. However, the only thing that I have not done in your suggestions, is put the CD-Rom on the Secondary master IDE connection. I will try that. Yes, I did reformat and install Win98 while it was on the substitute PC. If I put the CD-Rom on the secondary master connector and it still won't see the hdd when I boot up, do you think it will see it if I put the hdd back on sub PC and fdisk, then put it back in original PC? I will try it. Thanks!

    can be reached at
    [email protected]

  4. #4


    Is it picking up the HDD in bios or just saying "non system disk or disk error"?
    Did the HDD have a dynamic drive overlay originally?
    A lot of not so old mainboards can't "see" drives over 8.4Gb. You may be able to get it going again in the original system with a drive overlay or bios upgrade.

  5. #5


    The BIOS just says that there is "none" installed when it looks for primary IDE drive. I don't think it had a dynamic overlay on the hdd before. The BIOS and mobo should recognize it since it ran it fine before the viruses, shouldn't it?

    can be reached at
    [email protected]

  6. #6

    Thumbs up

    Well, I did put the CD-Rom on Secondary Master IDE, and I also, just for safe side went into CMOS again to check settings. Somehow they were all reset to "none". I don't know how that happened, I have checked them everytime to be sure they were on "auto". But anyway, it booted up just fine with the existing Win98 setup. Thank you so much for all of your help. You all have been a life saver to me tonight. I always know that I can depend on all of you to help. I hope nothing ever happens to this sight. Have a great Day!

    can be reached at
    [email protected]

  7. #7


    cable maybe went bad? (power - is drive spinning up?)


  8. #8
    Ned Kelly


    Sounds like CIH or similar(Virus), had a friend who opened same email(Snow white etc). Virus rewrote his bios and had many of the same problems you mention. His hard drive was recognized but with altered parameters. Upgrading bios failed to solve problem. He now runs his computer with these altered parameters, but I dont know how long it will last!!!. Spinrite 5 detected these problems. Reckon a new mobo is needed!!

    Such is life!

  9. #9


    uhmm jsut a thought, why not try to RMA the bios chip and get a new one, i can pick one up for my board for like about 20 bucks last i checked, cheaper than a new board but same effect as a new one, as the virus isnt in the board, rather its int eh bios.

    just a thought

    "And You Say Self-Important Egomaniac Like It's A Bad Thing"

  10. #10


    Is it a western Digital drive? Did it have a jumper before you put it into the other machine. I had a 10gb WD drive that couldnt be seen by my bios. I checked the jumper. It was set to master. Checked IDE with the cdrom and that was detected. I eventually just completely took out the jumper and viola. No more probs.

  11. #11


    what you got to do is to chcek in config.sys if you got this:

    this makes computer think that ther is more then 2 partition an computer including CD-ROM

  12. #12
    Registered User
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    Clackamas, OR USA


    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by conquest484:
    I am working on a computer with Pentium11, 10 gig hard drive, running Win98.
    Maybe his problem is that he has a Pentium Eleven brought home from his time travels and he's trying to make an older technology hard drive work with it.....

    Ya never know, ya know?

    [This message has been edited by sowulo (edited February 28, 2001).]
    "Badges? We don't need no stinking badges."

  13. #13
    Registered User
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    Jun 2000
    California, USA


    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by conquest484:
    Well, I did put the CD-Rom on Secondary Master IDE, and I also, just for safe side went into CMOS again to check settings. Somehow they were all reset to "none". I don't know how that happened, I have checked them everytime to be sure they were on "auto". But anyway, it booted up just fine with the existing Win98 setup. Thank you so much for all of your help. You all have been a life saver to me tonight. I always know that I can depend on all of you to help. I hope nothing ever happens to this sight. Have a great Day! </font>
    Whoa guys, he done fixed it. His bios was set to no drives installed.

    It's a dog eat dog world out there, and there isn't enough dog to go around. So get as much dog as you can, before all the dogs gone.
    It's a dog eat dog world out there, and there isn't enough dog to go around. So get as much dog as you can, before all the dogs gone.


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