restoring MBR
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Thread: restoring MBR

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jan 2000
    Long Island, NY

    Angry restoring MBR

    Ok so this is MY computer that this happened to, and I'm not sure how really. I have 2 hard drives - The master is a quantum 20gb split in 2 partitions (FAT32)my c drive has all my data and the d drive i use as a download drive. the slave drive is a WD 10 GB (FAT32) E drive is solely used for MP3s and graphics. Somehow I lost my E drive. BIOS sees it, and its configured properly. I think somehow i just lost the mbr? This happened once before a long time ago and i ended up losing all my data, it was just out of stupidity that it happened (I was screwing around as usual) and I didn't bother to take the time to fix it I just reformatted (Hey but screwing around is how I got here in the first place) Anyhoo... I ran a data recovery utility on the WD drive and I can see all my data. but it will take 5 hours to recover... I know theres an easier way.
    If I make the WD a single drive temporarily and run FDISK/MBR do u think that will work?
    This is what I'm unsure of...because the data is there, but the drive isn't shown as a letter does that mean for sure that the mbr is gone? The data isn't that important I just wanted to see if I could recover it. Theres about 8GB of MP3's and Alot of the songs were pulled from Napster it would suck to lose em!!
    You would think I'd learn...I tell my clients back up back up back up and do u think I practice what I preach??!! hehe
    "You can't turn a Volkswagon into a Mercedes!!"

    Murphy was an ancestor, of this I am convinced!!

  2. #2


    Don't know if this will help or not, but you CAN force fdisk /mbr onto a different drive, check out this link:


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