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Thread: Windrivers Today

  1. #31
    Admˇnistrator JungleMan1's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Don O'Van:
    <STRONG>jungleman - what makes you think I'm talking about you? Brings to mind a quote from Shakespeare: "Methinks thou dost protest too much."

    Chill, guy... don't think everyone is your enemy.</STRONG>
    Damn, now I'm the one accusing people.

    Last night Sheriff Q outright accused me of doing something with IP addresses, so I thought you were going along with him. That really gets to me when someone tells me that I did something. There were several members who outright said that I did it, Auric, SheriffQ, and some chat rooom people.

    IMO it was the "darren/rocco is a wanker" guy.

  2. #32
    Registered User WebHead's Avatar
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    I think this is a very simple matter that is being drawn out into this complicated drama. Below I've outlined some simple guidlines that I used to get involved here.

    6DöG9's 10 basic steps to Windrivers success:
    1) Register on Windrivers
    2) Post topics and replies
    3) Earn your stars and avatars
    4) Get to know people
    5) Listen and learn
    6) Go chat it you want to and get to know more people.
    7) Earn more stars and become more respected
    8) Build a good reputation along the way by offering sound advice in the technical forums
    9) Don't post topics about useless information, slandering remarks, or anything with a negative overtone. Because the topic will either die quickly, or make you the enemy.
    10) Try to have fun while you're here! <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">
    Hello World

  3. #33
    Registered User
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    top shelf, on the left


    Originally posted by 6DöG9:
    <STRONG>6DöG9's 10 basic steps to Windrivers success:</STRONG>
    Amen! I like the way you think.
    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. - Hunter S. Thompson

  4. #34
    Registered User WebHead's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Don O'Van:

    Amen! I like the way you think.</STRONG>
    Thanks dude!, It's really all just common sense though, which 90% of the people here DO have. There's just that 10% who can't seem to figure it out,... and then they end up making more problems for themselves than they need to.
    Hello World

  5. #35
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    Originally posted by 6DöG9:

    Thanks dude!, It's really all just common sense though, which 90% of the people here DO have. There's just that 10% who can't seem to figure it out,... and then they end up making more problems for themselves than they need to.</STRONG>
    God, do I hope I'm one of the 90%!! <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
    Where's Jennie??????

    CREAMFIELDS - August Bank Holiday Weekend - Old Liverpool Airport. The dance event of the year.

  6. #36
    Registered User WebHead's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Doctor Foster:

    God, do I hope I'm one of the 90%!! <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"></STRONG>
    LOL <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">
    Hello World

  7. #37
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    Originally posted by jungleman:

    Damn, now I'm the one accusing people.

    Last night Sheriff Q outright accused me of doing something with IP addresses, so I thought you were going along with him. That really gets to me when someone tells me that I did something. There were several members who outright said that I did it, Auric, SheriffQ, and some chat rooom people.

    IMO it was the "darren/rocco is a wanker" guy.</STRONG>
    I never said such remarks. The way you're acting makes you sound guilty.

  8. #38
    Driver Terrier NooNoo's Avatar
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    Dec 2000


    But it can be bad too...Jungle Monkey being the latest example. I can't seem to find that post I saw last night but the members of the "clique" just tore the poor guy apart, you hacked our servers, you are not welcome here anymore we are deleting all your posts when you need help, you are banned from the chat room, etc. If some people don't like someone they don't give them a chance when they want to make peace and instead ostracize (is that the right spelling?) the member. That's when the clique can be bad
    Whoa.... you missed the point, read it again!

    But it can be bad too...Jungle Monkey being the latest example. I can't seem to find that post I saw last night but the members of the "clique" just tore the poor guy apart,YOU HACKED OUR SERVERS
    The guy didn't hack a web page, or windrivers, we are talking about sustained and successful attacks against personal computers. Oh and yes, firewalls were in place. That I believe to be criminal damage. And this is one of the few occasions I will say that if caught, I hope they throw the book at him.

    Jeanne I understand what you are saying, but I will say this, everyone reads these boards and doesn't get to see a face, so they put their own interpretation on it. Quite often people reply angrily not because they thought the question deserved it, but because of the day they had and the attitude they can percieve in the post is merely a reflection of themselves, or a person they have dealt with face to face.

    Take care and don't take it to heart.
    Never, ever approach a computer saying or even thinking "I will just do this quickly."

  9. #39
    Admˇnistrator JungleMan1's Avatar
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    Originally posted by NooNoo:

    The guy didn't hack a web page, or windrivers, we are talking about sustained and successful attacks against personal computers. Oh and yes, firewalls were in place. That I believe to be criminal damage. And this is one of the few occasions I will say that if caught, I hope they throw the book at him.</STRONG>
    I will say it once more: I DID NOT HACK ANYTHING. I do not know where you get this ridiculous accusation from but you have the wrong person. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and I will simply not put up with you telling me that I did things I did not do.

    I can take a few jokes. I can take being disliked by members of WinDrivers. But one thing I <font size=5>WILL NOT </font> put up with is being accused of a crime.

    I didn't do it, and that's it. I don't know where you get your silly reasons from but I would NEVER hack into other people's machines, that is really low. It's even LOWER of YOU to accuse ME of doing such a terrible thing.

    Too bad we couldn't all get along instead of throwing legal threats to one another. Find out who it REALLY is before shouting "It's JungleMan" and telling that to everyone.

    I agree that whoever did this should be punished but it ain't me.

    But of course, who wants to get along, LET'S ALL THROW LEGAL THREATS to JUNGLE MAN! <IMG SRC="smilies/mad.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/mad.gif" border="0">

  10. #40
    Registered User
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    Just curious... how do you "know" this? Is it posted somewhere? If it is, where? If not I would like to know how something like this is so well known? It seems that there are a lot of people who are "in the know" about things around here that should be kept in confidence by the mods, at least until it is proven and posted.

    And if it is a proven fact, has the supposed person who did it been properly notified or if criminal, has the law been notified?
    It seems if it was so well known and proven, then why would he still be a member and posting?
    Whoever did these things should be punished, but there is nothing worse than being accused if you really didn't do anything...
    things just keep getting better....

    edit: Just read your post below and I understand, but the way it was written looked like you were talking about the same person, and this has danger of becoming out-of-control, glad to see some people here are trying to at least be civil and understanding with each other...
    P.S. Is windrivers having a lot of trouble today lagging, or is it my ISP?
    "Tough Times Don't Last, Tough People Do"

  11. #41
    Driver Terrier NooNoo's Avatar
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    Dec 2000


    Monkey, I did not make an accusation, the guy on the first page did though (EM-Clown. I was quoting him.

    So you should ask him if he has grounds for the accusation. I am merely saying that someone caught doing criminal damage should have the book thrown at them.

    Yes I have heard the rumours. But I have not seen proof, which is why I was giving an opinion on how the law should deal with these cases IF PROVED was implicit. I am sorry I didn't make that clear enough for you Monkey.
    Never, ever approach a computer saying or even thinking "I will just do this quickly."

  12. #42
    Registered User
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    I'm sorry if that came out the wrong way Jungle Man.

    I was naming off the things that were said in that post and I never put them in quotes. I honestly don't know who did it and I hope that whoever did it is punished for it.
    Wind Rivers Resort...relax, have a drink, get help with your computer.

  13. #43


    Originally posted by Solid Cobra:
    <STRONG>Just wanted to say the "clique" has one less member. I'm going on little self-imposed vacation.

    Be back whenever I feel like it.</STRONG>
    Okay, so I lied. Well, I didn't really lie, but a good friend of mine (and yes, another "clique-ster") showed me the error in my decision. I've got too many friends on here to just walk away from them all. The only way you'll ever get me out of here is if Scott himself asks me to leave.

    To all those of you who feel there is a clique here that is keeping everyone down, I guess I don't see it since I'm alledgely part of this group. I still say that we're a group of friends who've come very close-knit over time, and it's our natural instict to look out for one another, and group together. If you don't feel like you fit in, then I'm sorry.

    As for the "h4X0r", this I was one of the people that this individual decided to try to hit yesterday. It IS forum member, and he was spoofing the IPs of other forum members. All my logs from my firewall have been sent to Q, as well as this individual's ISP, and I trust that he will be dealt with. End of discussion.

  14. #44


    Originally posted by em-clown:

    But it can be bad too...Jungle Monkey being the latest example. I can't seem to find that post I saw last night but the members of the "clique" just tore the poor guy apart, you hacked our servers, you are not welcome here anymore we are deleting all your posts when you need help, you are banned from the chat room, etc. If some people don't like someone they don't give them a chance when they want to make peace and instead ostracize (is that the right spelling?) the member. That's when the clique can be bad.

    Okay what did I miss. Man I should really check in durring the weekend. Anyways I agree with wwhat most of you are saying. Cobra is right some of us just click a little better than others. I'm sorry that's life, I don't think it's because we gang up or bully we just all get alone. Up until six months ago didn't know any of you and now I consider you friends. I am here to learn and to have fun. If I hurt or offend along the way I am sorry but I don't mean too. As far as Insane Monkey goes, I tried to help him a while ago, the Mods have tried and he didn't respond to the help so I guess we are at fault for our effort. We are all tech's and when one attacks for no reason yes I will defend my friends and expect no less from them. Well I'm done, see you all in the morning.

  15. #45


    Originally posted by ElBatcho:
    <STRONG>We are all tech's and when one attacks for no reason yes I will defend my friends and expect no less from them. Well I'm done, see you all in the morning.</STRONG>
    And they said you'd never amount to anything and that walking upright was your greatest achievement. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">

    Seriously, Elbatcho, you're exactly right. If anyone but me, DW or Q ever trashes you on here, they've got a can of whoopass coming their way! <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">


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