I have a simple solution for my home. I use non standard server apps, so about 0 peope know how they work, I don't adrvertise what server apps I use, again this stops people looking for hacks for them.

Next step is setting up the network properly, so I use TCP/IP for net traffic, and IPX/SPX for internal networking, than I chek all the bindings are bound to the right places with the minumum amount of crossover between tcp/ip and ipx. This make the network a little more secure.

As I have had experience of things like

Zone Alarm (A trojan can get through this is the trojan is programed to.)
Norton Personal firewall (Useless on a network, as it has invisiable rules, which hinder network traffic)
ATguard (This is the best win/PC based firewall I have ever seen, however it won't work with ME or win2k, it was bought by norton then buggered up)

Next step is to try a linux firewall, my only worry with this is latancy Issues, I don't want my ping times to double when playing net games.

I'm also thingking of useing Novell on my servers as I ahve no problems with this range of server software, except Border manager, but I think the BM issues have been solved now.

As Microsoft is insecure, and Linus and beos or whatever flavour you use, are becoeming to popular so hackers are taking them to bits to find loopholes and security flaws. Which leads me to Novell, the main reason (providing they have implimented it properly) is you can bind IP and MAC addresses to User accounts, This is better as you can spoof an IP but as far as I know you cannot spoof an MAC address.

Also I think firewalls should logg MAC addresses, because you can spoof IP or you Ip may change everytime you logon, but your MAC address won't. Therefor makeing hackers easyer to track and stop, Unless a hacker is willing to change ther network card and modem evertime they hack someone.

Anyway I have said my bit.
