Everquest, addictive or annoying?
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Thread: Everquest, addictive or annoying?

  1. #1
    Registered User *SlyVenom*'s Avatar
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    Question Everquest, addictive or annoying?

    Is it just me or does anyone else hate this game with a passion?
    It might be a good game, but all the annoying
    geekboys living in their parents basement unhealthy need to talk about nothing else has ruined it for me.
    Yesterday I had to leave a class, because some annoying toad was talking about his 50th level crack'd pipe or some such nonsense. It would be ok but thats all he and his poor excuse of friends talk about,I'm ready to strangle the lot of them.
    The only comfort I have is realizing they will never reproduce, as most women are not impressed by everquest. THANK GOD [/RANT]

  2. #2
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    I played for about a year or so. Just got so sick of all the little gamers that acted like they were all that. It got to where you couldn't get anything done unless you acted like all of them, eventually left the game for Diablo II so I could actually see something get done. I do miss the scope of Everquest, it was unreal. Guess I am just kinda jaded on most online games, I want to just play, leave me alone.

  3. #3
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    I bought this game it was $10, I installed it tryed to get a account which wouldnt let me. But after 2 days I got one I then logged in and the GUI was so nasty and boring. I walked around didnt know what to do and if I tryed to attack somthing (a dog) I would die. I just foudn that game so stupid. So I took the disk out put it back in the box drove the freeway and thew it out the window going 120 MPH.

    Ah that felt better

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  4. #4
    Registered User Stalemate's Avatar
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    Never played it myself, but a friend spent over 48 hours straight online on this.

    His GF and the kids did not appreciate, I'm sure...
    Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. -Douglas Adams

  5. #5
    Registered User [NeoZeeD]'s Avatar
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    hey i still live at home and i live in the basement, but i never played everquest, the only game i play is TFC because its awsome.

    other than that i mostly meditate all day and at work

    Hello Hello, Yes hello to me and hello to you, I am the Crap On and i live in a zoo and its such a friendly old zoo and such fun you'll enjoy yes you will everyone, every two will enjoy it, every three, every four. so come visit my zoo and come up on four.


  6. #6
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    Believe me, the game is addictive. Almost destroyed my last tech dept. We had 4 techs, 2 telecom guys, and 2 network guys that played. Little sleep, lunches and brakes consisted of nothing but talking about the damn game. Boss got a little sick of us coming to work just so we could research the game better. Of course, now I realize that there is a real world after all.

  7. #7
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    Did they ever get it beyond the Rat Killer 3D genre that it looked like when it came out?

    I heard all you could really do was walk around and chat and kill rats. Looked pretty lame to me.

  8. #8
    Registered User Akuma's Avatar
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    I like REAL role-playing games. The ones that require dice, paper, and actual human interaction!! Listening to these computer wizard wanna-be's drone on and on about how great they are in a fantasy world makes me want to destroy then as soon as they open their mouths!

  9. #9
    Registered User *SlyVenom*'s Avatar
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    I should have specified choice 2 was -

    Yes, But some losers are spoiling it for the rest of us, and I've still never kissed a girl.

  10. #10
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    I think as noted on the other games talked about in this forum, you can be a gamer and have actual sexual relations with a girl. Some of us know when to talk games, tech, cars(etc..) and when then how to talk to women. Not trying to start something here, but damn.

  11. #11
    Registered User *SlyVenom*'s Avatar
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    [quote]Originally posted by cleetus:
    <strong>I think as noted on the other games talked about in this forum, you can be a gamer and have actual sexual relations with a girl. Some of us know when to talk games, tech, cars(etc..) and when then how to talk to women. Not trying to start something here, but damn.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    First - I was ONLY talking about Everquest
    Second - An Everquest player's hands don't count

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    I said I didn't want to start something stupid like this. Now I got dragged in dammit. Everquest was/is the most exciting and involved games I have ever played. It is the closest to the old dice and paper RPG's I have seen. It is not a pick it up, learn some hiding place and shoot kind of game. The amount of research and discipline it takes to go far in this game is rather boggling. That is why so many people who play it, are so wrapped up into it. Many times you fully feel transported to another world, as someone else. Most of those that I knew who played had beautiful gf's that ussually ended up playing themselves. I no longer had the time to play as I moved in with my girlfriend, and could no longer justify the $10 a month as I was also without a job at the time.
    Please we all have our vices and our ways to relax, some here like cars, some like the guitar, some choose their families, some choose other games, some drink(WOOHOO), don't knock it just cause you don't understand it. You sound just like the guy who bashed people for playing D&D back in the day. Guess what the group of guys I played with, were all large jock types. Made me at 6'1'' 200 look like a wimp. So I say let's all just grap a beer, hit on the hot waitress, and devise some way to become as rich as Bill Gates.

  13. #13
    Registered User Akuma's Avatar
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    Old D&D is great. I play right now. I do it when I have time, the same as all the other players in the party. That is REAL roleplaying the way it was meant to be. Real people playing a game together, with real social interaction. Everquest takes all the real out of it so if you have a problem with another member in your party all you do is log off and that is the end. Not talk to them and hash it out like real people do. Everquest gives people a veil to hide behind so no one has to know what type of person they really are in REAL life.

  14. #14
    Registered User *SlyVenom*'s Avatar
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    [quote]Originally posted by Akuma:
    <strong>Old D&D is great. I play right now. I do it when I have time, the same as all the other players in the party. That is REAL roleplaying the way it was meant to be. Real people playing a game together, with real social interaction. Everquest takes all the real out of it so if you have a problem with another member in your party all you do is log off and that is the end. Not talk to them and hash it out like real people do. Everquest gives people a veil to hide behind so no one has to know what type of person they really are in REAL life.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Good call Akuma, But we both know CyberPunk 2000 is the king of the roleplaying games

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    With over 2000 people playing on any server at any given time, you play with many people. If you are an *** in real life, it shows in the game. You are thrown out of parties, not invited on raids, kicked out of guilds. I have played both types of games, believe me there is plenty of role playing for anyone who wants to take it in Everquest. Come on, you can play a female or a male, and if done correctly no one will know what you really are.
    I will admit all the punk kids are a huge bother, but they usually get dealt with rather easily. The game does not let you use as much imagination as the dice and paper way, but come on with movies like Dungeons&Dragons, and the other filth that comes out covering this genre, it is a nice way to also see what is going on. It is a game that takes a lot of time to get fully into, it is definitly not a try one time type of game.


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