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Thread: OK OK How many here are....... ................ ...

  1. #61
    Registered User In The Wind's Avatar
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    Originally posted by DANIMAL:

    Who Says that Native Americans are not gods people(Or did I missunderstand you). Everyone and everthing Was created by God For God.

    PS.(Not Directly Intended for you In the Wind)
    Christianity Is not a Religion It is a relationship with God. And I have actually seen God Work In my life and in others.

    Another PS. When you think do you Talk to your self or to God. I've been training myself to talk to God when I think and it is great and fulfilling and this goes for all thoughts. Very hard to remember that God hears and sees all that we do.</STRONG>
    You are right on the train of thought I had. My apologies for not being clear. The whole extent of mankind are Gods people, including every ethnic group you could think of. My poorly made point is that some groups who claim to be Gods followers do not extend that same brotherhood to all of mankind, but restrict it to a certain group, making all those outside the group fair game for any action deemed needed to remove them, thereby opening what was once "theirs" to be "ours". This is done while at the same time this greedy group claims to be doing Gods will. A paradox in example versus action.
    Friend of Charon

  2. #62
    Registered User snooper2's Avatar
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    JOHN 3:16 <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
    Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a difference in the world, but the Marines don't have that problem.- Ronald Reagan

  3. #63
    Registered User AlienDyne's Avatar
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    I'm a Christian too. Orthodox.
    The wandering Odysseus of the web.

  4. #64
    Registered User Who Me's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Larommi:

    Not sure what you would call me.

    I do not condemn religion or those that choose to believe. I think it is everyone’s right to believe what he or she will. All I ask is that you respect me in the same way and not cram your beliefs down my throat. As far as I am concerned certain churches and religious beliefs gained the popularity they did because they had better armies to kill and beat down those that did not believe. Who is to say that one religion is better than another. Why do most people believe in one god when you look to ancient history and see many gods? Go pick up a book on Mythology. Almost every culture in the past had multiple gods.

    Stories of the bible and miracles are things that happened that cannot be explained by science. The stories are old and dated. Most of them are based on what people perceive an ancient writing or event to be. It is more based in opinion than fact. Organized religion in my opinion is based on money, power and the ability to control people.

    Then there are those that find religion to be good if it is convenient to them. If, it does not interfere with their schedule. Those that say they believe in god and the bible then steal, judge others, sleep around and basically think that obeying 9 out of 10 commandments is good enough. I know what the rules of the Catholic Church and Mormons and others are. I took a comparative religion class because even though I choose to not believe I find it fascinating. 9 out of 10 people that I know that say they are religious are only that way when it suits them.

    Back to what you would call me, I am not sure agnostic is right but this is what I believe:

    -I do not believe in Heaven so I cannot believe in Hell.
    -I do not believe in God but I do believe there was a Jesus Christ.
    -I do not believe in church but I believe in some of what they stand for.
    -I do not believe that I need a priest, pastor, minister or cult leader to tell me how to live. I am a decent person who has never harmed another person and I believe that everyone has a right to live their life to the fullest with out harming themselves or those around them. I do not kill or destroy nature for the heck of it. I do not sleep with other men’s wives. I do not steal…Not even from Napster. I will always help my fellow man, even those that I do not like.
    -I do believe in the human spirit. I do think that the spirit is an energy that everyone has good or bad. After we die I think the spirit lives on as energy is not created or destroyed.

    So, label me as you will, I cannot stop you. I call you all friends until you prove me wrong. Never the other way around. I do not judge and I do not hate. I am who I am.

    I could go into the ins and outs of why but it is toooo early in the morning for this and my brain can't cope yet. Sufice to say I couldn't have put it better myself.
    If it aint broke, don't fix it....... If it's broke, buy a new one

  5. #65
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    Originally posted by DANIMAL:

    Sure am.</STRONG>

    well... i'm a christian but not religious... i believe in GOD and in Jesus Christ... I believe in the Trinity and the holy bible and i believe in EVERYTHING written in it... because it has already happened and it's happening now!


  6. #66
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    I am an aetheist (born jewish and proud). I believe in science, my god is my creator, my creator is physics. I stand by that there is no god. When I die, I die, no more, no memories, no conciesness, nothing not even black. This does not scare me at all. The purpose of "creating" heaven was to aliviate fears of death. Hell was created to keep people from going to "heaven" early. Religeon is a political tool. And religeous leaders are the worst politicians. Slowly but surly, my people have proven religeons wrong..starting at creation. The churchs accepted evolution proving the bible is flawed and imperfect unlike physics which once proven...it is never wrong (and dont give me some alchemy responce becasue thats religeous mumbo-jumbo) I do however accept my born religeon of judaism because I respect my relatives and the stories they made up to explain events that we now explain with science. The stories are beautiful and are part of science becasue they are history. For someone like me religeon is a RPG, an escape, Its like reading a fiction book.
    24 Hours in a day, 24 beers in a case, coincidence?
    I THINK NOT!!!
    It Wasn't Me...It Was The One Armed Man.

  7. #67
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    Originally posted by furlong47:
    <STRONG>I don't see how people can just accept something they are told as the truth without any proof</STRONG>

    Edited by Sowulo....start getting personal in this topic and I won't close it, I'll delete the whole topic!!!! Whatever happened to "judge not lest ye be judged?" <IMG SRC="smilies/mad.gif" border="0">
    I'm just a sinner saved by grace.

  8. #68
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    Thumbs up

    Originally posted by DANIMAL:
    Why does christianity get the bigest slap in the face in normal human Conversations.I think the answer to that is that christianity is the truth and the truth Hurts.
    Danimal, The reason that Christianity gets the biggest slap in the face is because that is what is prophesied to happen to Christians in the end times. Paul I think says that we should except and welcome persecution for our beliefs. We gain our treasures in heaven for the persecution we endure here on earth. It will only get worse and worse with the falling of moral law and the the lack of virtues. Look at our degradation of values we are facing. The support of homosexuality, the constant barrage of sex and violence in the media, also the language on tv nowadays used to be a lot more upstanding. But it is all following a set of events that are going to happen. The Euro is now going to be a widespread currency and has the potential to overtake the dollar fulfilling the prophecy in Revalations that the whole world will have one government and one currency.
    I hope and pray that all of you who read this take it to your heart and actually think about what is going to happen to you after you die. What will happen? Do you have any idea? I have a pretty good idea of what is going to happen and that is what I live for each and every day and that will be better than anything ever imagined. I live for a better place where there will be no sorrow, no pain and no tears. Wouldn't you like to dwell in a place like that. Think about it. Do you think that this is the best it gets? This is it after this life. I think that is absurd. I have a higher purpose and that purpose is to live the best life I can here on earth abiding by what my Lord asks of me, doing his will and going wherever he wants me to go. I live by what he says and not by what man says because he is the one who made you, me and the place that we call earth and all the universe.
    All of you who are reading these posts about Christ and all things that pertain are invitations from God himself giving you personally. The only thing he asks of you is to talk to him and believe in his name and that he died on the cross for your sins and he fought death and rose again on the third day. There are witnesses to the fact. It is written and it was prophesied to happen despite all the odds. If you have never prayed before or if you have and don't think you have recieved an answer try right now and do it with a loving and open heart. I mean what have you got to lose? Think of what you would gain.
    I am not meaning to preach but this I have found to be true with a loving relationship with my heavenly father talking to him whenever I can and a constant study of the scriptures(Bible). You will always have someone to depend on and you always will. Willy <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">
    Thats easy, PEZ.....Cherry flavored PEZ!

  9. #69
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    Originally posted by Lazer:
    <STRONG>In the Army they used to say: no politics and no religion are allowed to be discussed. It only causes ruptions. It should be the same here... It's all about computers anyway!</STRONG>
    this is the tech lounge...read the description everything but porn and drugs
    I like this discussion...its extremely intellectual...first time ive ever seen a board go to 5 pages before it was shut out
    24 Hours in a day, 24 beers in a case, coincidence?
    I THINK NOT!!!
    It Wasn't Me...It Was The One Armed Man.

  10. #70
    Registered User Stanley_Kubrick's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    I was once a Born-again-baptised-hard-core Jesus Freak, like many of you cats seem to be.

    However, life caused me to reevalute my position; i am proud to say i have reformed.

    Call me a born-again skeptic and a soft-core atheist.
    I find hard-core atheists to be just as closed-minded as most christians.

    I tend to look to Science for the answers to the big questions.
    Jesus Saves.

    Gretzky recovers... He shoots... HE SCORES!!!

  11. #71
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    Originally posted by 86Camaro350:
    <STRONG>I am an aetheist (born jewish and proud). I believe in science, my god is my creator, my creator is physics. I stand by that there is no god. When I die, I die, no more, no memories, no conciesness, nothing not even black. This does not scare me at all. The purpose of "creating" heaven was to aliviate fears of death. Hell was created to keep people from going to "heaven" early. Religeon is a political tool. And religeous leaders are the worst politicians. Slowly but surly, my people have proven religeons wrong..starting at creation. The churchs accepted evolution proving the bible is flawed and imperfect unlike physics which once proven...it is never wrong (and dont give me some alchemy responce becasue thats religeous mumbo-jumbo) I do however accept my born religeon of judaism because I respect my relatives and the stories they made up to explain events that we now explain with science. The stories are beautiful and are part of science becasue they are history. For someone like me religeon is a RPG, an escape, Its like reading a fiction book.</STRONG>
    Camaro, remember that evolution is a theory and only theory. If it was 100% right than it would be the law of evolution. Think about it. There is a missing link and that link cannot be found. Plain and simple. The bible is true no matter how much you don't believe it. You know what? God loves you even if you don't believe it. There were a lot of corrupt religious leaders ;however, there were a lot of holy ones too who acted on the grace and will of God. You can't take that away no matter what you want to say. Another thing. I can sense the contempt in your statements and your writings my friend. Try not to come off with so much anger. Heaven and Hell have been here before people knew about them. I pray that you will feel the Holy Spirit that is in the world right now. I pray this because I Love you because that is what is expected of me and everyone else. Willy
    Thats easy, PEZ.....Cherry flavored PEZ!

  12. #72
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    Originally posted by Ghostfleet:

    And...(not directed towards you....but towards these athiests & others...)

    I dont care what you believe, hell is still there & you're still going!</STRONG>
    in that case ill see you there cause in your religeon it is a sin to wish harm on others...and you just did so. I am a good person, and IF your god exists, then he will respect me for standing by my beliefs while still following the christian/judaic moral beliefs(be a nice person)

    so on a final note all us aetheists will see you in hell ghost fleet
    24 Hours in a day, 24 beers in a case, coincidence?
    I THINK NOT!!!
    It Wasn't Me...It Was The One Armed Man.

  13. #73
    Registered User RIOT's Avatar
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    Originally posted by 86Camaro350:
    <STRONG>Slowly but surly, my people have proven religeons wrong..starting at creation. The churchs accepted evolution proving the bible is flawed and imperfect unlike physics which once proven...it is never wrong (and dont give me some alchemy responce becasue thats religeous mumbo-jumbo).</STRONG>
    Ummm.... To my knowledge evolution isn't (and can't be) proven; it's still a theory. And I'm very sure that the church hasn't accepted it.
    "I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't give a damn."

    Potential Bumper Sticker: "Wiggle your mouse, it's just a screensaver."

  14. #74
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    I like you willy, you are a really great person. I hope your beliefs come true for you. There is nothing wrong with the religeons except tht they have been modernized. Your view of your religeon is how it was meant to be, loving. I hope that if i become religeous in my old age...i become religeous like you.
    24 Hours in a day, 24 beers in a case, coincidence?
    I THINK NOT!!!
    It Wasn't Me...It Was The One Armed Man.

  15. #75
    Registered User Stanley_Kubrick's Avatar
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    Even so-called "laws" of science are still open to modification through peer-reviewed testing. That is what makes Science a superior method of finding the truth. A law is just a theory that has withstood a few centuries of trials and never been disproved. If any current "law" were to be found untrue under certain circumstances, it would be modified or forgotten.
    A "theory" is still accepted by the scientific community at large, but the jury is still out, so to speak.
    Like Einstien's theory of relativity (E=mc2)... It is still referred to as a theory even as all current work in traditional and quantum physics correlates with Einstien's predictions.
    Natural Selection and Evolution may be a "theory", but it is the core of all modern Biological knowledge until proven false.

    The term "theory" does not have the same meaning in the realm of Science as it does in the rest of the world. In Science a theory is generally regarded as fact that is still open to further research.
    So don't say that Evolution is "just a theory", it pisses Scientists off.
    Jesus Saves.

    Gretzky recovers... He shoots... HE SCORES!!!


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