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Thread: Is anyone reading a book series??

  1. #16
    Registered User RIOT's Avatar
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    Hmmm, let me see....

    I've started each of these series...

    Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins

    Dark Tower series by Stephen King

    a series of books by Lawrence Sanders (The First Deadly Sin, The Second Deadly Sin, etc.)

    a series of books by Dean Koontz (first two are Fear Nothing and Seize the Night)

    After I finish the series by Sanders, I'll probably start reading another series by him (The First Commandment, The Second Commandment, etc.) I still need to read Wizards and Glass (Dark Tower IV), and I'm not sure if the third of the Koontz series is even out or when it will be out. I just hope I don't start confusing plots, characters, etc. between book series!!
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  2. #17
    Registered User Cygnus's Avatar
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    The RAMA series by Arthur C. Clarke

    and more recently, the Dark Tower series by Stephen King.
    I dont feel tardy...

  3. #18
    Driver Terrier NooNoo's Avatar
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    Asimov Robot Series
    Asimov Foundation Series
    Asimov Anything!
    Clarke Rama Series and everything else
    Heinlein anything again
    Herbert Dune series and the prequel
    E.E.Doc Smith Lensmen series
    E.E.Doc Smith Skylard series
    Tolkein of course
    King Any of his
    Koontz whatever's on offer
    Kim Stanley Robinson
    Ben Bova
    Terry Brooks Magic Kingdom series
    and for a lighter read
    Terry Pratchett Discworld
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  4. #19
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    The 1st series i read was C.S. Lewis' Chronicals of Narnia. i'm also reading the Necroscope series by Brian Ludley, i think i'm on book 10 there. i'm also reading Jordan like a lot of people on here, but it is only recently that he started trying up some ends that had been dangling since like book 5. i also like Clancy's pseudo-series with Jack Ryan (Without Remorse, Patriot Games The Hunt for Red October, The Cardinal of the Kremlin, Clear and Present Danger, The Sum of All Fears, Debt of Honor, Executive Orders, Rainbow Six).

    The Anne Rice Series I read to Menoch the Devil, but the quality had fallen so far down from the first book that it wasn't really worth continuing. She painted a nice vampire mythos though.

    I tried reading Dune and Rift/SerpentWar, but they were soooo boring. I quit after the first book.
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  5. #20
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    I don't know if it counts as series but:

    anything by Larry Niven and associate writers
    anything by Terry Pratchett
    all the Lois McMaster Bujold books (if you have Brothers in Arms and/or Falling Free gathering dust PLEASE let me know)
    Clarke (he got me hooked on Sci Fi, bad man)
    Asimov (Bicentenial man is a favourite book and anything with Susan Calvin in)
    Greg Bear
    Iain M Banks
    NASA mission books are a must

    ahh well too many books and not enough time.

  6. #21
    Registered User Tazdrummer's Avatar
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    [quote]Originally posted by NooNoo:
    King Any of his

    Awww come on now NooNoo.... I thought you had taste. King is tooooooooo longwinded!!! Thats what I think...

    [quote]Originally posted by NooNoo:
    Koontz whatever's on offer

    I KNEW you had good taste NooNoo!!!!
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  7. #22
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    I have read most of the Anne Rice books, I loved all of them, I thought they got better.
    Read about the first 15 or so Peirs Anthony Xanth series.
    The two Belgariad series, even though they were exactly the same.
    Some of the Dragonlance series, love Weiss and Hickmans writing(they wrote another series that I can't remember right now)
    George RR Martins series starting with Game of Thrones is unbelievable.
    And I am currently on book 6 of the Jordan series for the second time through. I got to where I thought the series and the writing had gone down hill, but with rereading it I am catching on to so much that I passed over before and it makes so much more out of the series to see what all keeps getting tied together. Yes, he needs to finish the thing, but it won't be for at least 3 or 4 more books.

  8. #23
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    Currently reading the latest book in the Starfire series: The Shiva Option *grumbles* been waiting since 1997 for it..
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  9. #24
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    I've read many series.

    I would recommend any series by Raymond Feist. I've re-read them all a couple times.

    I'm torn over Mercedes Lackey. I like her books from the Last Herald-Mage and back. Anything after that and it is all formulaic. Which sucks, because it could really have been a great over-all series if she hadn't sold out.

    Katherine Kurtz(I know I spelled that wrong) does good work as well.

  10. #25
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    [quote]Originally posted by cleetus:
    <strong>I have read most of the Anne Rice books, I loved all of them, I thought they got better.</strong><hr></blockquote>
    Have you read The Witching Hour? Rice could have cut at least 200 pages out of that book and not lost a thing. it would have helped the pacing tremendously.

    [quote]Originally posted by cleetus:
    <strong>The two Belgariad series, even though they were exactly the same.</strong><hr></blockquote>
    not as bad as their latest book, whose name escapes me at the moment. it was terrible. you could see where they had taken bits from each previous series and added a stupid story about a house with rooms that can lead to anywhere/when.

    [quote]Originally posted by cleetus:
    <strong>And I am currently on book 6 of the Jordan series for the second time through. I got to where I thought the series and the writing had gone down hill, but with rereading it I am catching on to so much that I passed over before. . .</strong><hr></blockquote>
    it was the same way with me. the second time through i was completely taken in by the world. i'm embarrassed to say this, but i actually learned how to MUD, just to be an Aes Sedai. i kicked that habit after like a year. okay, a year and a half.
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  11. #26
    Driver Terrier NooNoo's Avatar
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    [quote]Originally posted by Tazdrummer:

    I KNEW you had good taste NooNoo!!!!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    King I read when I dont have net access, unfortunately I read fast so your average King book lasts 2-4 days...

    And Grendel Damn, I forgot about Niven when posting... how did I manage that??
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  12. #27
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    Presently reading Seize the night (by Koontz). Had insomnia the other night and flipped on the am radio and what do I catch but the Art Bell show with Dean Koontz as guest. First time I've heard of Art Bell but he sure gets some great guests sometimes. Surprisingly Koontz is maybe a bit more than an amateur scientist like myself and had some theories that were similar to what I believe. He said he plans a third and final book with these characters to be released in a couple years. Anyone else catch the show? And any comments on Art Bell?

  13. #28
    Registered User Hippie_Tech's Avatar
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    I am also a Wheel of Time reader. I think I have all the books to date, but started over about a year ago because it had been so long between books. I thought I should start from the beginning... again. Got to book seven and then I couldn't find book eight. Doh! I'll keep reading till the series finishes. It is starting to drag though. Maybe it just seems that way because it takes so long to wait for the next book to come out.
    I also like Terry Brooks' Shannara series, Tolkien (I don't recommend The Silmarrilion: which he didn't actually write anyway), some Dennis L. McKiernan, David Eddings, and McCaffrey's Dragonrider series.
    I'm sure I've left something out. I used to read a lot more than I do now. Not enough time in the day anymore.


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