Just asking the question (again)
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Thread: Just asking the question (again)

  1. #1
    Registered User ßracius's Avatar
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    Post Just asking the question (again)

    ok I just setup a post that asked "where did the post "police state" go to?" and now my post asking where that post is gone. I do not remember staying anything against policey.

    I ask again: Where did the post "Police state" go to?
    Sofa King Retarded

  2. #2
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    I'm not sure, as it appears that my moderator status went on vacation...

  3. #3
    Registered User ßracius's Avatar
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    <IMG SRC="smilies/eek.gif" border="0"> that can't be good. I hope it's just a glitch or something.
    Sofa King Retarded

  4. #4
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    All I have to say is that this place is like a ghost town. I think it's been hampered by many things, and like any ecosystem, it's going to take a while to repair. The reason this place was so popular was because of the fine base of knowledge that anyone could tap into, one question would lead to tons of answers. Then we had the first big shakedown this spring. The tech lounge was created and everything has gone downhill since. First the topic on "What's the strangest place...." caused quite a ruckus. The original poster created it, and then deleted it, but Mods got blamed and everyone got riled up. Then it came back and things went from bad to worse, the description of the lounge was changed, and that was the day a part of this forum died. From that point on things have been censored hard, and censored often. People blamed Mods for favoritism, and that's not good. The mods didn't have anyone backing them and they got pissed. Then there were the arguements that ensued, I think people were baiting and setting traps for the mods, flaming people, just to stir things up. Then we had the bandwith problem, some people scattered while the renevation happened, myself included. I found the Ars technica forum, and my eyes were opened. All though the flames are always stoked, and ready to explode at any minute, the conversation is lively and free. Censorship is minimal, and conversations go there own way. I myself went back and forth from forum to forum, the more I visited Ars the more I could see the censorship evil working over our beloved Windrivers. Topics were closed and deleted too often, people were afraid to speak their mind. I saw that the grass was truly greener on the otherside of the fence, so I left. I came back one day, and all had changed, the mods that I had come to know and appreciate were no more. It was though an atomic bomb had dropped on the town of Windrivers and the only traces of our past greatness were the carbon splashes of signatures from people like DW, and Cobra. Like a phoenix, they rose from the ashes to create a place of free speech, and fun. With that idea in mind DSB was born. I feel as though, as techs, we have been sold out. Our bastion has been destroyed, Windrivers was our Zion of the Internet, and it is no more.
    I think he's a good man. I like him. I got nothing against him, but I'm definitely gonna make orphans of his children.
    Drederick Tatum

  5. #5
    Registered User Blue Falcon's Avatar
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    behind you


    Sheriff, they took away your mod status?!!
    Jesus saves sinners.

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  6. #6
    Registered User Todo's Avatar
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    Yes, I was wondering the same thing, Sheriff is no longer a moderator. Well I come here all the time, looking for advice and theres always great advice,but it just seems different now <IMG SRC="smilies/frown.gif" border="0">
    I think the problem is either an ID10T or PEBCAK error

  7. #7
    Registered User ßracius's Avatar
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    Agree, but I think I may have goofed when I setup the first question and I was asking for info in case it had been deleted. Please don't take this to offense Weich, in now way do I intend to offend you
    Sofa King Retarded

  8. #8
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    Originally posted by Falcon:
    <STRONG>Sheriff, they took away your mod status?!!</STRONG>
    Edit: Fixed

  9. #9
    Registered User Stanley_Kubrick's Avatar
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    Yeah, the mood around here has definately changed. Anyone who has been here a while can see that it has gotten a lot quieter and more reserved.
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  10. #10


    some of us have to sneak in the backdoor just to be heard. <IMG SRC="smilies/frown.gif" border="0">

  11. #11
    Registered User ßracius's Avatar
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    Q, was the post deleted or did I mess it up when I posted it? <IMG SRC="smilies/confused.gif" border="0">
    Sofa King Retarded

  12. #12
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    Originally posted by Bracius:
    <STRONG>Q, was the post deleted or did I mess it up when I posted it? <IMG SRC="smilies/confused.gif" border="0"></STRONG>
    Unfortunately, I was in bed at the time. You may wanna check with Sowulo or Scott.

  13. #13
    Registered User ßracius's Avatar
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    OK, thanks for the reply Q. I know you are busy. By the way thank you for keeping my car safe from evil <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
    Sofa King Retarded

  14. #14
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    Originally posted by Bracius:
    <STRONG>OK, thanks for the reply Q. I know you are busy. By the way thank you for keeping my car safe from evil <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"></STRONG>
    It's kinda hard to keep your car safe with a book of blank parking tickets to write...lol

  15. #15
    Registered User
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    Originally posted by jFrost:
    <STRONG>some of us have to sneak in the backdoor just to be heard. <IMG SRC="smilies/frown.gif" border="0"></STRONG>
    You didn't sneak in...you simply defeated the woefully pathetic security system (installed by Brinks =)
    -- I still do not understand the rampant growth of stupidity in this country.
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