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Thread: Ethical Question

  1. #16
    Banned Ya_know's Avatar
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    Another thing...

    Oh, and lastly, why would you feel like a sleaze installing it? I find that to be a little presumptuous, but then you know your client better than any of us. If you were getting signals that there might be a domestic problem, which is the reason for this system, you would be best to walk away. If it turns out that his wife is cheating, and he catches her with the tap, then kills her...part of his defense could be that you didn't properly inform him that recording these conversations without at least one party’s consent on the conversation was illegal. You might then be liable for civil damages, perhaps to the wife’s parents, or her children.... and you would lose with the right/wrong lawyer.

  2. #17
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    Ethically? thats your call. Sometimes we've all had to do "gray area" things in the course of our jobs.

    Legally? if you are in the States, I suggest you refer to HERE to find out if your state has a 1 or 2 party notification law on recording conversations. If it's 2 party, I would NOT take the job, that would make you and acessory for phone tapping, and that COULD mean FEDERAL penalties. Money is good but, I tend to err on the side of caution more often than not.
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  3. #18
    Registered User geoscomp's Avatar
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    And, of course, the burden of proof in civil liability cases is much lower than in criminal cases, and uses a standard based on what a reasonable person should have can't plead ignorance too often these days..and if anyone wanted to and knew about this thread, it could be introduced into evidence as proof that you knew something was up. Either way, I'm glad you followed your instinct. My own feeling is that secret wiretapping, except in places that require it by the nature of the job..i.e. 911 operators, etc. is sleazy regardless of legality..but that's the nature of life in the world these days
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  4. #19
    Junior Member
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    Walk away! this is not the type of client you need...consult a lawyer but gut says watch out

  5. #20
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    Re: Ethical Question

    Originally posted by houseisland
    A business client has asked me to do some work on a computer in his home. He wants a modem installed together with software that turns the PC into a silent telephone tap -- incoming and outgoing conversations recorded to the hard drive, phone numbers and call display info logged.

    I am somewhat dubious about this job, but I don't want to lose the work at his business office. He has a wife and kids. He claims that the phone line in his home office is separate from the rest of the house and that tap is for business purposes. However, one look at the demarcation block shows that there is only a single line into the house.

    My gut feeling is that I should walk from this job whatever the consequences.

    Well, it just MIGHT be illegal. That should be your first approach to this, finding out about the legality of you doing this at all.


  6. #21
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    Originally posted by Gabriel
    According to Law (Israeli law),
    Listening/recording a phone line is Legit - as long as ine of the parties know about it.

    This is not an Ethical question, IMHO you should consult a lawyer - or make the guy sign a weaver.

    Good Luck,
    Signing a Weaver (Dennis or otherwise) won't cut it. You really need to find out if this is illegal or not. If it is, him signing a waiver won't make the law go away.


  7. #22
    Registered User TheLow1's Avatar
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    Ocean Slime, CA
    What is the name of the software?? I have been hounded by phone solicitors. I would love to have ammo to take to my lawyer. Just gotta remember to tell them they are recorded.

  8. #23
    Driver Terrier NooNoo's Avatar
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    Well houseisland... what did you do?
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