Quote Originally Posted by no-backup
Thanks for the reply gazzak. I did buy a new surge protector and the problem is still there. I thought it only rebooted if I was downloading a large file because it could be on the internet and you could be surfing and it never seems to reboot no matter how long you are on but tonight I was burning a dvd and the computer rebooted on me and I wasn't even on the internet. So I think mabey you are onto something with the burner. Since this was built the place that built it put seals on the case and if I open it to unplug the cables my warranty is void. I am going to call them on Monday and see what we can do. Thanks for the help.
What should actually happen is the place you bought it from should take the minidump file created and debug it to try and get an idea of where to start.
simply rebuilding the computer is not the way to resolve an issue like this. I mean how do you know they only reused the DVD burner? How do we know the parts they used to rebuild it were new and or good? If it were me I would take it back to them and demand they either fix it or give me back my money so you can buy a computer from someone that will actually help you when you have a problem.

Are you connecting anything else to the system like a printer? other usb device?
What type of internet connection?