Hard Drive Corrupt?
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Thread: Hard Drive Corrupt?

  1. #1
    Registered User fatboymarc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Hard Drive Corrupt?

    I'm runing XP on a Tekram motherboad PIII 550Mhz.
    Within the POST the bios detect the 80GB hard drive and then goes to another screen and would freeze, so I did a bios upgrade and did'nt fix the problem. To be able to get access to the drive I would connect the drive after the OS is loaded and "scan for new hardware" and I would get access to the drive.

    Now this is my problem. I decieded to connect it on the pri ide as a slave and something happen. Before, the hard drive used to be list within the POST as WDC WD800JB now it list as ADA AD(0 B@-0AAA1 and I cannot get access to it. I connected to another computer and I can see it within my device manager and if I go to Disk Management, It displayed as 5.16GB but unable to get access to it.

    It states it's not Initialized and needed to be converted but when I tried it generated an error.

    Need any help in accessing this drive without loseing my files. My other computer is a ABIT motherboad runing 2.4Mhz and I didnt have any problem using it before but the other computer I wanted to setup as a server using removeable drives. Any help is greatly Appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Oct 2000
    Quote Originally Posted by fatboymarc
    To be able to get access to the drive I would connect the drive after the OS is loaded and "scan for new hardware" and I would get access to the drive.
    what am i missing...it sounds like you connected the drive while the machine was running.

  3. #3
    Registered User fatboymarc's Avatar
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    Nov 2004
    Yes, I'm able to do so with removable drives, but the problem accurs while it the drive was connected. While connected on the secondary EIDE I would have to connected after the os is loaded. So I decided to tried it to the primary EIDE as a slave. I power the PC and that when I see the problem.

    I obtain the files from WD and it giving me error, stating the drive is not a WD. Like I stated before it is a WD80BB. I connected it back into the PC that where the problem occurred, now this is what puzzle me. In my other PC it stated it model as:ADA AD(0B@-0AAA1 & Serial as:AD] WAA[E 7 4 6[.

    And in the origional PC is Stated Different. Now another thing. I ran Data LifeGuard and it states it 259.8GB and Data LifeGuard Tools for windows 217GB, and windows management listed as 241.98.

    The test fail on both PC's at "Cable Test Fail! Please check the cables" and each is at different cables and at times they're set to Master/Slave and Cable select.

    Here are the result I obtain from the test:

    Manufacturer: QDQ
    Serial Number: QD9WQA8E0704068
    Model Number: QDQ QD800BP-00QAQ10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Firmware Rev: 7108W171

    Test Option: QUICK TEST
    Model Number: QDQ QD800BP-00QAQ10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Serial Number: QD9WQA8E0704068
    Firmware Number: 7108W171
    Drive Type: IDE
    Capacity: 217.47 GB
    SMART Status: PASS
    Test Result: FAIL
    Test Error Code: 11-Cable Test::Read diagnostics sector error!
    Test Time: 09:38:43, November 16, 2004

    Test Option: EXTENDED TEST
    Model Number: QDQ QD800BP-00QAQ10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Serial Number: QD9WQA8E0704068
    Firmware Number: 7108W171
    Drive Type: IDE
    Capacity: 217.47 GB
    SMART Status: PASS
    Test Result: FAIL
    Test Error Code: 11-Cable Test::Read diagnostics sector error!
    Test Time: 09:39:35, November 16, 2004

    This is the result from the same drive on another computer, look at the HD capacity

    Test Option: QUICK TEST
    Model Number: ADA AD(0 B@- 0AAA1
    Serial Number: AD)WAA(E 7 4 6(
    Firmware Number: 7!0(W!7!
    Drive Type: IDE
    Capacity: 80.02 GB
    SMART Status: PASS
    Test Result: FAIL
    Test Error Code: 11-Test cable error!
    Test Time: 10:26:08, November 16, 2004

    Test Option: EXTENDED TEST
    Model Number: ADA AD(0 B@- 0AAA1
    Serial Number: AD)WAA(E 7 4 6(
    Firmware Number: 7!0(W!7!
    Drive Type: IDE
    Capacity: 80.02 GB
    SMART Status: PASS
    Test Result: FAIL
    Test Error Code: 11-Test cable error!
    Test Time: 10:26:13, November 16, 2004

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