[RESOLVED] Computer Hanging
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Thread: [RESOLVED] Computer Hanging

  1. #1

    Angry Computer Hanging

    I am AMD 500 with Jetway motherboard.The problem is that my computer constantly hangs.After this it is not starting only.I mean to say restart is far away it is not starting.After two days or three days if we press the display card or the power supply it starts.I heard that with AMD 500 and this motherboard the AGP dispaly socket is giving problem.I removed the dispaly card before it was SIS6326 now i put S3 but of no use.I replaced the Fan for the cpu but in vain.the same problem is coming.Is this a problem from motherboard or from the display socket.I now think to replace the AGP card with a PCI display card.
    Please do reply.

  2. #2
    Bill MacKinnon


    I had the same problem with a Jetway Mobo and AGP cards. Ended up trying several of the same brand of AGP card (forget the brand. It was some generic AGP), until we got one that fit the socket tight enought that it wouldn't fall out. System has worked flawlessly since then for over a year. Look closely at the AGP connector and make sure that the video board is seating all the way. Also, make sure that your motherboard has the correct standoffs on it so that the card seats along the backplane of the case instead of just bending the motherboard. AGP cards need to be completely seated or they get flaky in a hurry.
    I hope this helps you.


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