Virtual Private Network Setup ...
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Thread: Virtual Private Network Setup ...

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Apr 1999
    Washington, USA

    Question Virtual Private Network Setup ...

    Has anyone here done a VPN with a NT4 and Win95/98 machines network? ... We just got DSL in one of our offices, and I would like to setup a VPN so the other offices can jack in as needed..

    But am at a loss as to start-point, etc. Any suggestions, URL's, etc. Would be most helpful.

    Thank you.


  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Middle of nowhere


    Well, if you want to connect to your NT machine with 95/98 you do this:
    On NT add the point to point tunneling protocol and that will invoke the RAS setup. Make sure it only uses TCP/IP and is set to recieve calls (NT Workstation can only receive one call at a time whereas NT Server can handle many more). It will ask to reboot and all that good stuff.
    For a 95 machine you must have Dial up networking version 1.2(you can get this from Microsofts web-site). When you have that 95 and 98 VPN setup is the same. Right click on network neighborhood and goto properties. Add an adapter (Microsoft - Virtual Private Networking Adapter) from your choices of manufacturers Microsoft by the way. Then OK everything restart bla bla bla. Then when the machine restarts Goto my computer then "Dial-up Networking." Add a new connection and on the first screen it asks for a name and also gives an option for an adapter, choose Virtual Private Networking adapter and continue. It will ask you for the IP address of the one you are hooking up to. Remember you must establish an internet connection before you invoke this connection. If it don't connect then look at the settings of the dial-up connection for your vpn connection.
    To each his/her own.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Washington, USA


    OK. Thanks for the response, but I am confused if that is for just Win9X machines to connect to NT - through DUN? I am looking to set up a Virtual Private Network. So that my other offices (around the world) can connect to our network here with ease... if that is even possible???



  4. #4
    Registered User
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    May 2000


    VPN is used for connecting to a private network through the internet. You would need a dedicated internet connection with a vpn server. As far as dial in goes sound like you would need a muliple modem setup to allow multiple dial ins at the same time

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Washington, USA


    My main office has DSL, so that would qualify as the permanent internet connect. And that office will be running (my machine, NT4 WS) the VPN server - at least that is my theory. hah.

    No need for dial-ups, I want it so that the other offices, etc., can connect to our office through the VPN when they are on the net (hence avoiding toll charges).

    Am I on the right track?

    Thanks a ton.

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Washington, USA


    So, am I on the correct track? ... I guess I will set things up and see what happens.


  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Clackamas, OR USA


    Yes, you are on the right track. I have one client doing just what you are talking about but their own corporate IT guy preprogramed the CISCO's for each office. I haven't gotten into setting up WAN's myself.
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