For those curious and following my complaints.

So far I've run serveral about half a dozen rootkit tools. Sys Internals, AVG Rootkit Repealer, and SOPHOS the whole gamit. This infection is looking more like a file system infection acting as a rootkit. It has no problem crashing and turning off ESET NOD32. I have installed Microsoft Security Essentails and I have run full system scans remotely using CureIT and CureIT live CD. Nothing detects this infection. It does some modification to the Atapi.sys driver as well as ACPI and a few others. This infection is really hard to spot where it is stemming from. Next to impossible. Rootkit finders don't show a whole lot of information and when i do get close to finding the initial infection it freezes my computer solid. Having to reboot. This infection also has no problem downloading and installing malware all by itself. It also has total control over my network card. Sometimes I can't even disable the NIC in time or disable it at all. It controls what I do and where I go. Congrats to the smart *** who created this beast of an infection. They've managed to go around all checks and scans and dominate the PC while being almost completely untraceable. I am not sure I have time to contact the nice people with combo fix regarding this infection as it is probably faster just to kill all partitions and mbr and restart again. But before i give up on this I am still hoping someone out there has another suggestion as i've exhausted everything I know how to do.