Latest sigh-inducer:

My cell phone rings, and it is a customer I have dealt with twice in the past. "My Mac just died, and it won't boot. I get an error, but I just want to be sure that the data is retrieveable. I know your daughter has a mac, we can hook the drive up to it and burn to a disk, right?"

Me: "I suppose, I'll have to ask her if I may use it. Did you want to bring it here, or did you need me to come there, and when?" Her: "Oh, you'll have to come here, I don't have wheels right now, and I need this done NOW." Me: " Okay, I'll ask the kid and see what can be done. Remember, if I have to come there, I'll have to charge you for travel, in addition to my hourly rate, which I prefer in cash." Astonished customer: "WHAT??? I didn't think you should charge me, we're just getting freaking data from a drive!!!" Me: "Sigh..."