Quote Originally Posted by slgrieb View Post
Yeah, driving the Interstates or the Loops in Texas isn't like so many areas back East where you exit for gas then drive two miles down a side road to find the station. Nossir. We believe that everything you want to get to should be right on the roadside. I reckon we also don't go in much for highfalutin' nonsense like landscaping our roads, plantin' trees around 'em and the like. After all, a highway is a highway, and anyone who can't deal with one in all its raw, majestic splendor, probably doesn't belong in Texas.

I sooo do not belong in Texas! I went to Xxxxxxx's for lunch, and the bar-b-cue sauce was so hot I couldn't eat it. Tears formed in my eyes, not because I am a girly man, but the more plausible explanation that it was to save my precious retinas from the searing flames shooting from my mouth.