Quote Originally Posted by Niclo Iste View Post
I had to LOL when I saw your comment XP. I am curious though, since the dreaded end is near how will that affect your moniker? Will it be the end of xpuser357? But you do have a point, the fact that the OS is being retired won't stop anyone from using it. Even 3 years ago I was servicing a clients Win98 machine (not the SE version). Some people just fear change, that or they just can't afford the upgrade, or what they have works for what they need. Honestly I look forward to XP being retired for a completely different reason. I look forward to seeing the growth of home brew fixes, patches, and mutations of the OS just to see how creative people can be.

Yes I will need to change that moniker 8user357. I just bought laptop with win 8 loaded. You gotta hit desktop app to get regular desktop I am used to instead of all those apps looking at you.