Tyan S1854 Trinity 400 Mobo question?
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Thread: Tyan S1854 Trinity 400 Mobo question?

  1. #1
    Registered User Major Kong's Avatar
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    Question Tyan S1854 Trinity 400 Mobo question?

    I just finished building a Celeron 700 system. I used the subject mobo with 256 meg Crucial PC-100 SDRAM, 20 gig Fujitsu HD, Win98SE, nvidia 8 meg vc, Sound Blaster Live value, USB NIC.
    I ran the SiSoft Sandra te Professional 2001 Burn in program for 24 hours without a hitch. The BIOS reports that EDO DRAM at Bank: None, SDRAM at Bank: 0 1.
    When I run the SiSoft Mainboard ino module under System Memory Controller I get:
    Bank 0/1 - Bank_0 Dimm EDRAM 128
    Bank 2/3 - Bank_1 Dimm EDRAM 128

    but under Logical/Chipset Memory Bank I get:
    Bank 0 128 SDRAM
    Bank 2 128 SDRAM

    What gives is something reading the crucial memory as EDRAM? I have the updated Bios Version 1.07 and have updated the VIA ApolloPro 133 chipset. It strikes me as strange. Another error I was given is "Disabled Lost Controllers are present". This maybe related, but I'm unsure of the fix.
    All the benchmarks were fine except the memory benchmarks are not very good. Any ideas would be appreciated!
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  2. #2
    Registered User Major Kong's Avatar
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    Oh I forgot no red X's or yellow flags in Device Manager. The machine just seems sluggish.
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    Stay on the bomb run, boys. I'm going to get them doors open if it hair lips everybody on Bear Creek.

  3. #3
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    Hi PAK, I had the same motherboard and always wondered what that message meant as well, and you are right that motherboard feels SLOOOOW for some reason. After many attempts at trying to figure out the problem I gave up and sold it to a buddy and he says its fine for what he uses it for (internet and email). As far as the memory SDRAM/EDRAM thing goes I think it is a Sandra issue and not a motherboard issue.
    Tip: Enableing 4 way interleave in the bios helps a little with the memory scores on the VIA 133A.
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  4. #4
    Registered User Major Kong's Avatar
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    Thanks Silverman. Actually I built the PC for someone else. They supplied all of the parts except the memory and CD-Rom. They just left with it and were very happy. I did make the BIOS change (it did seem to help). The PC is rock stable, but a little slow. Darn Athlon's have ruined my perception.
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    Stay on the bomb run, boys. I'm going to get them doors open if it hair lips everybody on Bear Creek.

  5. #5
    Registered User Major Kong's Avatar
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    A little update to this saga. After more exploring on the www I discovered, from an unofficial Tyan Trinity 400 site, that the S1854 board does not play well with the manufacturer approved Crucial memory (even though it's on the Tyan spec sheet)! Furthermore industry standard RAM works very well. So I informed my customer to bring back the computer later this week and I'll swap out the 2 128 meg Crucial modules. I ordered a 256 meg PC133 OCZ module from the Overclockerz Store (hey $36.74 w/shipping). I figure it's an even swap. I don't know how many have experienced this board but I didn't feel comfortable with the sluggishness. The board is stable, the customer said it's run well since they brought it home, but they did notice that it slows down while running some of kids games (it's for email, internet and preschool games). If it works; great, if it doesn't at least I know I tried.
    I only post using 100% recycled electrons!!!

    Stay on the bomb run, boys. I'm going to get them doors open if it hair lips everybody on Bear Creek.

  6. #6
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    Thankyou for the info Pak, I was planning on picking up another one ($80 on Pricewatch) to play around on with a new P3. I think I'll try Apacer Infineon memory on it as that is what I am primarily using now.
    Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious.
    Peter Ustinov


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