[RESOLVED] The little things that make you scream. - Page 3
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Thread: [RESOLVED] The little things that make you scream.

  1. #31


    Originally posted by 3fingersalute:
    I love people who bring there computers in and tell you that it hasn't worked right since the last time you worked on it, then you look it up, only to find it was 7 or months ago, and all you did was replace a flooppy drive or something.....Boy you must've been awful busy if it has been giving you problems for 7 months and this is the first you got a chance to bring it in!!!

    Or how about the people that no matter how many times you explain the correct terminology to, they still don't get it?

    Cust: I need a 12 jigabits for in my modedm?

    Me: You mean you need a 12 gigabyte hard drive?

    Cust: Yes, so how much are 12 jigabit modems?

    Me: We're all out, sorry!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey 3fingersalute, I actually had a customer come in before and want a 500 jigawatt processor. I told him he had watched Back to the Future way too many times.

  2. #32
    Registered User gtiseb's Avatar
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    I can't stand the people who know nothing about computers, they see you do something simple and then decide they want to be one too. then they proceed to ask the most degrading question i've ever heard "if i want to be able to do what you do, can i take a course for 2 months and learn everyting you know?" This has almost caused me to commit homicide on several occasions. Now i've got some certs, I've been fixin pc's since i was 13 (altought back then i was probably doing more damage) and i've been in the field for almost 10 years now and these morons think they can learn what i can in 2 months. This particular customer asked me thi very question after spending 4 hours on the phone with @home tech support because one of his pc's on his network wasn't connecting to the net (i had the main pc that acts like a proxy with me at my desk, he couldn't figure out why the other ones couln't connect to a pc that wasn't phisically attached to his network)

    Today, a haiku:

    Google, you f**ktard
    my fingers are so weary
    of repeating crap

  3. #33

    Thumbs up

    shawnMT, you were right on with your rebuttle to Riteous. What people like Riteous don't care to understand is that foreign people that speak english actually speak TWO languages. That is more than I can say for myself!!!

  4. #34


    No joke, actually had a guy make a WAV of "Inna Godda Divida" (sic) and set it as his Windows start sound. Really choked out that little ol' P75 of his, with all 16 MB of RAM. Needless to say, it was taking him like a half an hour to load windows, and he had about 5 MB of free HD space. Deleting the WAV file magically fixed both problems.

    Clatu...Verata...nnnn...necktie...nectur...nickel. ...it's definately an "N" word...

  5. #35
    Registered User
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    I had a lady call up today and say, "Hi. How much would it cost to go from 16 bytes to 32 bytes?"
    "What kind of computer do you have?"
    "Hmm..and Aptiva 28? That's the modem, right?"

    ***the Beast
    - Fate drove me here...then told me to get out of the car...
    ***the Beast
    - That's right...uh-huh... Who's laughing now? WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?!

  6. #36
    Registered User
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    Isleton, Calif, USA


    people who live alone and have to password everything.
    people who had a friend that had a friend that told them how to fix their problem.
    people who have to download and install everything on the internet.
    People who expect me to work for free because we are on a first name basis or live on the same street.
    people who wont take the time to read system requirements when buying software and then expecting me to make it work cause it runs great on their friends pc.

    And the list goes on.......

    If life is a bitch then what is death? I believe I will take the bitch!
    If life is a bitch, then what is death? I believe that I will take the bitch...

  7. #37



    The ones that get me are the people who seem to be educated beyond their intelligence if ya know what I mean?

  8. #38


    Preach on brother lore ,preach on

    p.s.thats a good quote man.

  9. #39
    Registered User Sckott's Avatar
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    Can we add things people need a license for?

    1. Dating
    2. Having Kids
    3. Using a computer.

    I'm telling ya, pretty soon, a computer tech will go into a business with a gun and blow the fat secretary and two assistant managers away. He will feel relieved and justified in doing so, because someone in the building told him to "just fix the problem, don't tell me what I did".
    Techie will go out to his car, pull out his 35mm screwdriver...er..pistol, and erradicate the virus.

    Is this why I play Unreal Tournament so much???


  10. #40


    I don't mind ignorance or even stupidty in people, and I treat all the people that ask me for help with respect, IF they deserve it. If the person doesn't know what her mouse is or that her computer is not a tv, that's fine, but if that same person is being an a$$ or starts giving me lip, then I'll put my a$$ face on, as well.

    I've had a customer get on my face about his inability to find the START button in the computer he bought from us and how he should obviously get his money back. He yelled and cursed and ran up to me as though he wanted to hit me or something. *sigh* Needless to say, he was pissed and so was I obviously and told him he wasn't getting his money back and I was not even going to show him where the hell the START button was. He left ranting and bitchin' about how our store sucks and how we cheated him out of his money and blah blah blah. THOSE are the people that piss me off. The ignorant, stupid, A-holes.

    "Life. A Wheelchair ride to hell."

  11. #41


    Hmm... Those little things... Lets see...

    1) People who come out with "I know my rights" and then procede to F&Blind at you because you tell them they're wrong. Eg. We had a guy in on Saturday with an Epson Stylus 750, 11 month old, not printing with brand new cartrdges. I checked it and told him that the heads were blocked. I told him we'd have to repair it and that he'd have to wait about 5 days because of the backlog of jobs. He went nuts and demanded a new printer. He got to the point of nearly punching the boss b4 we kicked him out.

    2) People who call you/watch over your shoulder while you're doing the job "is it ready yet.." etc...

    3) My all time favourite... People who start to cry when they want preferential treatment. I don't mind if someone gets tearful that their £2500 system is irrepairable and they don't have a warranty, but when you tell someone that they'll have to wait another day, well, I think its a bit over the top. Especially as they stop when you tell them you can't do it any faster.

    4) People who won't believe that you don't have parts in stock, or expect you to use a part off the shelf for, say, a Compaq (get real!). During the fuel crisis (in the UK about 2 months ago) we couldn't get parts in because the couriers had no fuel. At least three people told me that I was making this up as an excuse.

    Life is like a box of chocolates...
    Everyone else gets the good stuff and you get the nutty ones left at the bottom

  12. #42


    I agree with Sckott, we're gonna be reading about a tech support person going psycho one day. The term going postal will exist no more....

  13. #43


    Originally posted by Sckott:
    Can we add things people need a license for?
    I'm telling ya, pretty soon, a computer tech will go into a business with a gun and blow the fat secretary and two assistant managers away. He will feel relieved and justified in doing so, because someone in the building told him to "just fix the problem, don't tell me what I did".
    Techie will go out to his car, pull out his 35mm screwdriver...er..pistol, and erradicate the virus.

    Is this why I play Unreal Tournament so much???


    My old company HAS had speople:

    1) Callin bomb threats
    2) Leave "mysterious" packages outside
    3) Threaten to "kill" people there (techs, supervisors, etc....
    4) A worker for the electric company threatened to turn off the power (like he thought that would make us help him faster?
    'Sir, with no power, we wouldn't be able to fix your PC'
    5) Any type of legal action (lawsuit, better business bearu)
    6) Call a strike (and how was he going to o that? We were non-union)
    7) Threaten to come in with a samari sword (I would have loved to take that call!)

    But nothing real...

    Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?

  14. #44
    Registered User
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    Florida, USA


    Things that get to me:

    Complain constantly that they need their machine yesterday, then it sits on the shelf done for 3 months.

    I've got a friend who thinks he knows how fix/build/ect anything eletrical. Besides kicking his computer, he had talked to a friend of ours that wants to build a computer, so far I've had to fix the computer twice while they've built it, plus the parts my friend recomended may now be bad.

    Have had a guy that his phone would go out about every minute or two, and would keep calling back.

    People that sit their and talk to me about how they hate a certian type of people due to color of their skin or religion, and try and make me belive in their way. Sad to say there are a good amount of people in my work area that think that way.

    The box said "Requires Windows 95 or better" so I installed Linux
    Tech Handbook Filling your computer needs.

  15. #45


    First of all, I must say, the Onion thing was hilarious. My roommate was confused as crap when I starting laughing out of nowhere.

    Second, here's my peeves.
    1) People who end their problem description with "I think it's a virus." Thank you, I'm glad you solved that one before I wasted my time to go there. Have a nice day.
    2) People who misuse the term "virus" to describe malicious scripts (LoveLetter, Melissa, etc).
    3) People who play dumb. ("I didn't delete the dll's out of my Windows folder. It must have been the magical computer gremlins")
    4) People who talk about how much you know. (There's a fine line between compliments and annoyances)
    5) People who perpetually ask how to code a <insert 2 month, or longer, project here>. (This happens primarily on MUSHes, where I am consulted every day to explain the procedure in a single line. Duh. My thought "For gods sake, just ask me to write the damn thing. It's obviously way over your head to bother to try to explain if you can't do it in the first place.". My response is usually the same, just a little more tactful, followed by a comment that I have too many other projects myself, to drop and help them.)
    6) Working a second job and not getting paid for it. I'm a programmer, but I have more troubleshooting skills than most of our tech support department. So I get to play local tech support for everyone on my floor. I'm just too damned nice. And I have to admit, it's nice to get away from that "one" nasty chunk of code every once in a while.
    7) The person who asks a question, which I find an answer for in 10 seconds by typing in a few keywords into Yahoo. (Like "athlon geforce conflict")
    8) The person who asks the question over e-mail, which is impossible to help remotely, like hardware missing or something, then they bitch and moan about how I don't know anything. Yet they called me. Hmmmm.
    9) Filling out applications or anything else that requires you to answer the question "What software packages are you familiar with?"
    10) People with whom the <GEEK> </GEEK> on my shirt (compliments of www.thinkgeek.com) is lost on, because they don't know what it means.
    11) Speaking of HTML tags... the people who make web pages, get paid for it, but don't even know what HTML stands for.
    12) I must put this here... people who say "I want drivers for <insert anything here>". To which I reply "Go to windrivers.com. Why should I waste my time searching when you can do it just the same."

    [This message has been edited by formatc (edited October 30, 2000).]


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