You never think it will happen to you...
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Thread: You never think it will happen to you...

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Vancouver, B.C., Canada

    Post You never think it will happen to you...

    I can't believe this happened to me.

    You always read about the stupid things customers say and do, but I never thought I would get to experience one like this.

    This happened a few years ago before the invention of USB.

    ME - Well you have several options. You can get a parallel scanner or you can get a SCSI scanner that is faster.

    Customer - A "scuzzy" scanner, no thanks I would perfer the nice one.

    I didn't know what to say.
    He who can laugh at himself will never cease to be amused.

  2. #2
    Registered User Raven's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Indianapolis, IN - United States


    this has happened to me several times....just shows the difference between pc folk and common folk

    "Dont whiz on the electric fence"
    - Ren & Stimpy.

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Knoxville, TN, USA


    LOL... We used to have all kinds of "pet" names for hardware at the shop I worked at.

    Things like "Rat" for a mouse, "Modemulator" for a modem, "Device Mangler" for the Windows Device Manager, and "Sleazy" when referring to SCSI devices...

    One time we had a customer overhear us when a couple of us techs were talking amongst ourselves, and we were discussing putting 4 "Sleazy" drives in a "RAD" (RAID) setup in a webserver. Unfortunately, the customer somehow interpreted this as we were going to put up a "Rad Porno Web site!" He embarrassingly confronted the shop manager and asked him if he knew what we were plotting to do, and voiced his opinion of how he wouldnt do business with us anymore if that was the kind of business we participated in! Of course the manager had no idea what the guy was talking about and came back to the tech room to confront us with this story of how we were plotting to set up a porno site... Once we figured out what the hell he was talking about ( and had a really long good laugh about it) we explained to the customer what he THOUGHT he heard wasnt what we were doing. It took a little explaining, but he had a good laugh from it too!
    Live long, die rich, leave a 20yo widow...


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