Easy Troubleshooting.
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Thread: Easy Troubleshooting.

  1. #1
    Registered User FooL's Avatar
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    Talking Easy Troubleshooting.

    I was walking down the hall minding my own business when a "User" pulled me aside and asked the infamous question: "Hey, do you have a second to look at my machine?"

    Unfortunately, the only thing more pressing I had to do at the time was to go take a smoke break, so I went with him.

    On the way back to his machine he began explaining that he was working in Word and was trying to save and it just wouldn't do it. He went on to say that the machine has been acting screwey for a while, he just didn't think he "needed to bother us techs about it."

    I sat down at his machine and the Word Doc was active. I pressed the save button and what followed shed a little light on the subject.

    "Error: Insufficient disk space to complete this operation."

    Minimize word and open My Computer. Right click on drive C: and choose properties. This man had 1.37kb disk space free on his Hard Drive.

    It wasn't too hard to figure out how to fix the machine...
    if(post.eof()){SigBox.setText("Have A Day.");}

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    had a similar one with Word recently...there was over 5Gb of crap in the temp folder on a 6.4Gb drive!!!
    "Badges? We don't need no stinking badges."

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Then there's always the ones that get their login "sequence" all messed and try entering their username and password in the login dialog box's password and domain name boxes!
    They call Tech Support "the computer won't take my password!"

    Makes you wonder! Do they ever think to LOOK at what it is they're doing?

    Invariably, you get 'em back in sequence and it's like magic..........it works!

    User: "How did that happen?"
    "what'dya mean I hosed the whole thing? Is that bad?"

  4. #4
    Registered User PuterGeekGirl's Avatar
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    I like it when I have been at their machine and the keep typing in their password without looking and in the process lock my acoount out........that one always makes me happy inside....
    Failure is not an option -- its a "feature" of Windows.

    Mama never told me geekhood was gonna be like this....

  5. #5
    Registered User MacGyver's Avatar
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    I had a user that was accumulating temp file in their network home directory! And not small ones, either. It's a good thing I caught it or I would have been left with one sick server when it eventually ran out of space. Another user tried storing his 900MB MP3 collection in his home directory. Still another tried to backup his entire laptop hard drive (twice) to his home directory and made a total mess....

    Now all user home directories are limited to 50MB a piece.

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    The absolute easiest problem to fix:

    "Invalid system disk"

    People always, without a doubt, freak out when they see this.

    I like to call it a cranial anal insertion disease ( head stuck up a$$)
    Some days you are the dog, some days you are the Hydrant.

    visit http://www.digifuge.com

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    I have had atleast 5 onsite service calls for invalid system disk that over the phone i have asked are you sure there is nothing in the floppy drive get popthe floppy out startup the machine and give my bill. one hour minimum and a trip fee
    Neanderthall="Fire Goood!"

    Common User="Computer Good!"

  8. #8
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    Here's a nice one for you. This gal came in my office one afternoon telling me that the mail server is down. Knowing that it was running I asked her what problems she is having. She proceeded to tell me that she missed this imporant e-mail this morning because the mail server is down. So, I went in her office, opened up Outlook, and there popped up a bunch of e-mail. I told her, remember, you must have Outlook open to get e-mail. She's one of those people that shouldn't be allowed to even look at a computer.

  9. #9
    Registered User MacGyver's Avatar
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    Here is a classic: when I am trying to walk somebody through a computer procedure (so they don't have to ask me again) why do they always have so much trouble trying to find a file in an Explorer dialog box? They scan the whole list of files trying to find the right one. HELLO! They're in alphabetical order!

  10. #10
    Registered User
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    Originally posted by MacGyver:
    Here is a classic: when I am trying to walk somebody through a computer procedure (so they don't have to ask me again) why do they always have so much trouble trying to find a file in an Explorer dialog box? They scan the whole list of files trying to find the right one. HELLO! They're in alphabetical order!
    I know exactly what you mean. It's like they enter completely stupid mode when explorer opens!

  11. #11
    Registered User
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    Salt Palace


    Invalid system disk errors are my fav

    You guys ever wonder that car mechanics sit around thinking the same stuff? hehe
    Some people say i am indecisive, but i dont think i am, but sometimes i do.

  12. #12
    Registered User MacGyver's Avatar
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    After having the same people in the office for two years for the most part, they are finally discovering how to find documents by using the Windows Find command. Hmm, beats looking through 12 volumes of paper correspondence to find the same thing. They say "This find thing is great!" I have been saying that for years!

    (Sound of self smacking forehead in frustration and disbelief)

  13. #13


    The old classic - somebody's computer "won't turn on", and it's just the power strip...

  14. #14
    Registered User
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    My favorite is when people try to do their own tech stuff, even though they have problems with finding their personal address book in outlook, and then they come to me with "why doesn't it work?". Or when they are trying to set stuff up at their homes, and they come to my office and say "hey how do I do <insert task here>?" and when you give them the kindergartn instructions they still come to you the next day and tell you it didn't work and they want you to go to their house on your lunch hour and fix it! Does this just happen to me?

    May you live in Interesting Times.

  15. #15


    Originally posted by Sowulo:
    had a similar one with Word recently...there was over 5Gb of crap in the temp folder on a 6.4Gb drive!!!
    My answer to temp files and junk in Windows,.

    if exist
    DELTREE /y c:\windows\history\*.* > NUL
    DELTREE /y c:\windows\tempor~1\*.* > NUL
    DELTREE /y c:\windows\temp\*.* > NUL
    DELTREE /y c:\windows\cookies\*.* > NUL
    DELTREE /y c:\windows\applic~1\micros~1\office\recent\*.* > NUL
    DELTREE /y c:\windows\ShellIconCache > NUL
    DELTREE /y c:\windows\*.tmp > NUL
    DELTREE /y c:\windows\ff*.* > NUL
    DELTREE /y c:\windows\*.log > NUL
    My own personal house keeper,.. Keeps me from having to do it.


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