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Thread: Tech Humor

  1. #61


    if you let go and hit again fast enough it does not always go off

    Originally posted by ledrichard:
    Have you guys ever done this?

    When your fellow techs are sitting around and staring at the monitor while defrag or data backup do there business, go up and (if comp. is non-ATX) press the power switch but dont let go.

    Instead replace your finger with the lazy techs' and walk away. He/she will not be able to leave because if they do the machine will turn off. It really pisses them off especially if they need to go wee-wee!


  2. #62


    all i do is take pix of co employess working and make stupid quotes and things about them and post them for all to see one day i got the general manager (with his mouth open and i put ahh my store all this other stuff) and the district manager make a sneak visit and say the pix posted and i was like im dead .. and he laughed for a half hour about them .. (too bad he didnt know i got him and his pix was posted for 3 days) its also a nice way to take your pains out on people who annoy you

  3. #63


    Originally posted by drewber:
    1. Made a batch file and put it in hte start up folder....this is what it looked like

    c:\windows\rundll.exe user32.exe,restartwindows

    2. edit autoexec.bat
    add about 500 carraidge returns...add a single line
    @label c: cursed

    3. Renamed all of the DLL files to DII
    that was funny

    4. edit msdos.sys bootmenu=1
    bootmenudefualt=5 (command prompt only

    added the following to autoexec.bat
    @mode 80
    Man, I should have done that to my old supervisor! He would have loved it! (And probabally would have given me a raise for fixing it!)

    Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?

    [This message has been edited by Draggar (edited October 27, 2000).]

  4. #64


    Hehe, did the I am Gay thing here... did the "I'm surfing porn" one too =)

    Worst I did was to another one of my coworkers who doesn't know much about Windows... he keeps all kinds of crap on his desktop so when he left one day I dragged all his programs into his Start menu so they all the programs he had on his desktop booted next time he turned on his computer =)

    And I changed the font size, and the resolution, and enabled sticky keys, and switched him to a left handed mouse...and stole the ball from his mouse, and all the spare ones around, and turned all the pictures on his desk upside down, and stole his name plate and replaced it with a different one...etc. etc.

  5. #65


    I should not have done this, but i did.
    Using a net scanner i found people onn the net who had there drives shared.

    I went ina nd edited this system.ini file so the shell would be progman.exe

    Or winmine.exe

    I realy should not have done thgis but i did.

    So sorry.

  6. #66


    I should not have done this, but i did.
    Using a net scanner i found people onn the net who had there drives shared.

    I went ina nd edited this system.ini file so the shell would be progman.exe

    Or winmine.exe

    I realy should not have done thgis but i did.

    So sorry.

  7. #67


    Can you send me tht file?

    Originally posted by Vigilante:
    I once added a "chipmunk chirping sound" app to my bosses autoexec file. Every few hours he would ask "did you hear that?". Turns out he went and bought a new hearing aid because of it....

    [This message has been edited by Vigilante (edited September 20, 2000).]

  8. #68


    When I was going to School (for my mcse) we had a know it all who always had a smart *** remark for everyone, while on the network my instructor and I created a little batch file
    and I kind of sent it to his computer.At break time the instructor told every one to log off and take a break he and the class took a long break when we returned we all loged on to the network, Rays (the smart ***) computer started then wiped his C: drive all by it self He kept his mouth shut after that. I still can't belive he was the only one at the school who didn't know what I did.

    If all else fails read the directions !

  9. #69
    Registered User
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    May 2000
    Lebanon, KY


    I came up with this idea yesterday while trying one of the dozen free internet consols at the local mall.

    1) Get a dozen cute pictures (fluffy bunnies, pupies, kittens, etc.).

    2) Get a dozen filthy pictures.

    3) Make animated GIFs. Set a cute picture to display for 3 minutes, followed by a filthy picture.

    4) Upload the animated GIF's to your favorite free web server.

    5) Go to the mall and bring up one of the GIF's on each consol.

    6) Watch as old ladies flock to the cute imagery.

    The rest is pretty self-explanitory.
    Laugh at your problems... Everybody else does!

  10. #70
    Registered User
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    Auburn,AL USA


    Originally posted by SavagePenguin:
    I came up with this idea yesterday while trying one of the dozen free internet consols at the local mall.

    1) Get a dozen cute pictures (fluffy bunnies, pupies, kittens, etc.).

    2) Get a dozen filthy pictures.

    3) Make animated GIFs. Set a cute picture to display for 3 minutes, followed by a filthy picture.

    4) Upload the animated GIF's to your favorite free web server.

    5) Go to the mall and bring up one of the GIF's on each consol.

    6) Watch as old ladies flock to the cute imagery.

    The rest is pretty self-explanitory.
    ROFLMAO....thats good.

  11. #71
    Registered User EvilKlown's Avatar
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    Jun 2000


    Hmmm, Well.... I got on IE or Netscape and went to some stupid page noone would ever need. Took a screenshot. Made that image my wallpaper, turned on active desktop, removed the icons from the desktop, and shut down the taskbar. Watched as my coworkers were as confused as babies in a topless bar.

    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
    Initiative + Technology = Initech

  12. #72
    Registered User
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    Jan 2000
    CT, USA


    My favorite can only be done in a computer lab where computers are placed back-to-back on a table and the users face each other over their monitors. When two people across from each other aren't looking, switch their keyboard plugs. When they type, nothing happens, but then phantom typing shows up, as they other person realizes that "their computer is broken too." Usually takes the teacher a bit to figure out what's going on, and is always worth a few laughs.

    A mind really is like a parachute: It's a million-to-one you'll need one in this lifetime.
    A mind really is like a parachute: It's a million-to-one you'll need one in this lifetime.


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