I recently posted looking for help into the freezing in OpenGL games using the PC-Chips M715 Motherboaer. My research went nowhere and the closest solution was...get a new motherboard (Not possible at current time) I refused to give up.

I thought in the interest of everyone who has had problems with freezing with OPengl or even some Direct 3d appications, even after using all the video drivers in the world and the latest and greatest video cards, and for all those people who have gone through the crap of reinstalling Windows etc. I have the solution to fix the problem.

Download Powerstrip v3 BETA (I don't have the website, but it is EASY to find), go to the options and select Monitor information. Change the AGP transfer from 2x to 1x. Problem will be solved.

It seems that the early revision of AGP didn't like operating at 2x...might be too much for that craapy board to process. Best of all. Even in Direct 3D, i am getting a better performance as well. Best of all, i can now play Quake 3.

If you would to thank me for saving you more headaches, or to ask any more questions....just email me.