Panasonic Toughbook BIOS Password
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Thread: Panasonic Toughbook BIOS Password

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Red face Panasonic Toughbook BIOS Password

    I have a Panasonic CF-25 here with a BIOS password that I can't seem to crack. None of the default passwords work, and taking out the battery doesnt clear it no matter how long it sits....any help would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Northern Ireland


    Make sure the mains power is totally disconnected. If its an ATX power supply a small current still flows in parts of the motherboard. Most motherboards (not all) have a jumper setting to clear the BIOS settings, look in your manual to see if your board has this, this is normally done by shorting the jumper. Failing all this, if the chip is removable, I would take it out over night and see if that works (If you never done this before, don`t try it, bent pins take a long time to straighten!!!!)

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    I've done all that, it sat overnight, nothing still.....

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    I have a couple of CMOS password crackers which may work (they have never let me down so far....)

    Send me your email address and I will post them to you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    North West England.


    ok ..can i ask a couple of questions first?

    the panasonic - is it a laptop (cf ???)
    if the answer is yes , then i hope the following may be of help. if not then please dont bother reading the following.

    I reasently had a cf4? , i think it was a 47 .
    the machine was locked with a boot up password , as well as a bios i should imagine.

    regarding the boot up password , i contacted panasonic (uk) for help on this matter (inc ser No.)

    I was told that the cf** was built to "NATO" standards and the whole bios chip had to be removed at the "factoty" , the price they quoted was horrendus.

    Now I dont know if that statment was a load of bull , but in the end I gave up with it.
    Now if it is purly a bios password then as the other posters have said , there are a lot of utils out there.
    One util that comes to mind (i have used it) is KILLCMOS , this must be put on a bootable floppy and run PLEASE NOTE , killmos will report itself as a virus - it is not!!!

    i hope the previous paras help - if there are any panasonic engineers out there maybe they could help?

  6. #6
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    Do you mean the Supervisor PW???

    Quote Originally Posted by Lizardking
    I have a Panasonic CF-25 here with a BIOS password that I can't seem to crack. None of the default passwords work, and taking out the battery doesnt clear it no matter how long it sits....any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Hi there lk. I also have a similar problem but with the SUPERVISOR PASSWORD. User passwords are easy to remove. What version of the CF-25 do you have? Mark2 or 3? Mark 3 has the .......EAM on the white label on the bottom of the laptop. Have a look at my post to see my problem.

  7. #7
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    some body can help me?

    Where is the bios eeprom on the cf-28 board?

    Is possible to read a bin file from bios eeprom and patch and after write patched bin file back, all password is desabelt.

    This is a information from a unlocker guy that offer me to patch the bin file, now my laptop is open from A to Z and i have just to find it on the motherboard.



  8. #8
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    As anyone figured out a way to remove the supervisor password? I removed the user but cant figure out the supervisor

  9. #9
    Driver Terrier NooNoo's Avatar
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    general advice here

    But remember the idea of a password is so that the machine is not hacked.

  10. #10
    Registered User
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    Feb 2005
    Hello all .
    I know and I am able to remove passwords from cf-27 cf-28 etc.
    Check out this side www.remzibi1.*********.pl
    or remzibi1.*********.pl

  11. #11
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    How can I recover my lost bios password

    I have a Panasonic CF-50 Thoughbook and I don't know the Phoenix Bios Password can someone please help me out.

  12. #12
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    This may be an easy one to most of you, but I have been asked to perferm an install on a Panasonic CF-50. I need to boot from a disk, however I cannot get into the bios/setup due to a password that I don't know. I am stuck! Does anyone know any possible way I can reset the password. Sending this to the manufacturer is not an option as I am stuck here in Iraq. Help! Please!

  13. #13
    Driver Terrier NooNoo's Avatar
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    Arabian, I have taken your post out of the Dell Dimension thread. Please do not hijack other people's threads when the topic you wish to get an answer on is not the same as the thread in which you posted.

    As you can see from the above posts, it is not easy to reset passwords on toughbooks. Security is there for a reason - after all you would be rather ticked off with the world if you learned your house key was available on the internet to anyone.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geek #1
    I have a couple of CMOS password crackers which may work (they have never let me down so far....)

    Send me your email address and I will post them to you.
    I have a Panasonic CF-28 here with a BIOS password and setup password that I can't seem to crack. None of the default passwords work, and taking out the battery doesnt clear it no matter how long it sits....any help would be greatly appreciated! mail adres: [email protected]

  15. #15
    Registered User
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    Sep 2005


    Hi, I have a CF-25 with 16mb Ram and i've just installed a 64mb stick. It still shows as 16 on boot. I have run the SETUP25 program but there is nothing which allows me to alter the Ram setting. How do i find the main bios settings.? I have tried every conceivable start up keystroke I can imagine, but with no luck. Can anyone help?

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    Last edited by NooNoo; September 27th, 2005 at 03:41 AM.


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