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  1. #1

    Resolved [RESOLVED] @@HOW WEIRD IS THIS@@???

    I just got this email from someone i dont know.
    How Weird Is This???
    You must know what's been up in U.S. right. Check this out.

    It all adds up to 11

    -Date of U.S. attack 9/11 (9+1+1=11)
    -There are 111 days left to the end of the year
    -119 is the area code of Iraq (1+1+9=11)
    -World Trade Centers standing side by side looks like the #11
    -First plane to hit the tower was flight #11
    -The State of New York was the 11th State added to the Union
    -New York City-11 letters
    -Afghanistan-11 letters
    -Pentagon- 11 letters
    -Flight #11 had 92 people on board (9+2=11)
    -Flight #77 had 65 people on board (6+5=11)
    THis is VERY WEIRD Too!!!
    1) open Microsoft Word type this: q33ny
    2) Change font size to: 8
    3) Change the font to: Wingdings
    And ull c a symbol or image of a plane and the twin towers and also wat looks like people falling. Oh yeah i think "ny" stands for New York but i dont know about "q33"

    Have a nice day!

  2. #2
    Registered User AlienDyne's Avatar
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    May 1999
    Athens, GREECE


    Yes. This is weird indeed.

    I don't know about the second part though. The one about MS-Word.
    I figured it out, but I wouldn't relate it.

    My Hardware Info, Hardware Media and Computer History page
    The wandering Odysseus of the web.

  3. #3


    At least we know why the Ba****ds choose the 11th day...possibly.

    At the end of the day, it's all fundamental.....

  4. #4


    P E N T A G O N
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    not sure how you make the word pentagon have 11 letters

    8 letters, 5 sides = 13 unlucky for some maybe?

    Never ever approach a computer saying or thinking, "I will just do this quickly"

  5. #5


    Coincidence - 11 letters

    - Andy Brun -

  6. #6


    <font face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Geneva" size="2">Originally posted by BrunDMC:
    Coincidence - 11 letters

    I just have one main problem with this though.

    What does Iraq have to do with anything? Even so, The only thing I know about Iraq is that the country code is 964, I don't know of any "area code".

    I don't know why I have such a hatred for these hoaxes or "spooky" coincidence emails, but whenever I see one, I automatically don't beleive it.

    I have seen the Q33NY thing, you just have to make sure that the letters are in capitals. I think it helps if the font size is 72 as well. The Q turns into a plane, the two 3's turn into the windows pictures of documents, the N turns into a skull & crossbones, while the Y turns into the Star of David. The two documents do kinda look like buildings, but Q33NY has absolutely no significance. Hell, you could have used M33NY back in '93 with the same "eerie" results. I'll agree, it is interesting though.

    Posts look pretty stupid without the signature, so here it is.

  7. #7


    <font face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Geneva" size="2">Originally posted by kingtbone:

    I just have one main problem with this though.

    What does Iraq have to do with anything? Even so, The only thing I know about Iraq is that the country code is 964, I don't know of any "area code".

    I don't know why I have such a hatred for these hoaxes or "spooky" coincidence emails, but whenever I see one, I automatically don't beleive it.

    I have seen the Q33NY thing, you just have to make sure that the letters are in capitals. I think it helps if the font size is 72 as well. The Q turns into a plane, the two 3's turn into the windows pictures of documents, the N turns into a skull & crossbones, while the Y turns into the Star of David. The two documents do kinda look like buildings, but Q33NY has absolutely no significance. Hell, you could have used M33NY back in '93 with the same "eerie" results. I'll agree, it is interesting though.

    Click here for more info on that M$ Word spoof:


    You may have to type in the "www.urbanlegends.com", open the page, then type the rest "/ulz/wingdings.htm" to actually get the page....the hyperlink didn't work when I tested it.

    Go big...or go home!

    Things to do when bored at Wal-Mart:
    Take up an entire aisle in toys by setting up a full scale battlefield with G.I. Joes and X-Men.

    [This message has been edited by Fierce1 (edited September 27, 2001).]

  8. #8


    As stated about the Q33NY think is a hoax. Supposedly, according to the e-mail I got, Q33NY was the flight number of one of the planes that hit the towers.

    I can't believe there are people sick enough to come up with an e-mail hoax like that about such a tragic event.


  9. #9


    While we are at it, the lowest common denominator of the flight numbers is also 11

    Never ever approach a computer saying or thinking, "I will just do this quickly"

  10. #10


    <font face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Geneva" size="2">Originally posted by kingtbone:

    I have seen the Q33NY thing, you just have to make sure that the letters are in capitals. I think it helps if the font size is 72 as well. The Q turns into a plane, the two 3's turn into the windows pictures of documents, the N turns into a skull & crossbones, while the Y turns into the Star of David. The two documents do kinda look like buildings, but Q33NY has absolutely no significance. Hell, you could have used M33NY back in '93 with the same "eerie" results. I'll agree, it is interesting though.

    I wonder if this means that Bill Gates and/or members of Microsoft were in on the WTC incident?

    Jeeez, who would've thought that the Wingdings font could've been used by the terrorists as a secret code.

    Sneaky bastards.

    "Damn the man. Save the Empire" Mark - Empire Records


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